American Idle Entry Archives

29 May 2007Quick Turnaround
28 May 2007The End is Near
27 May 2007The Art of Satay
27 May 2007Bangkok & Bali Photos...
25 May 2007All Jacked Up
22 May 2007Delayed
22 May 2007Roger, You Tiger Now
20 May 2007Get Me a Lady Lawyer
20 May 2007Japan Layover
19 May 2007Bangkok, Bali, Boston
19 May 2007Now That You're 50...
19 May 2007Time Flies
17 March 2007Season Over?
17 March 2007Fees Reveresed
15 March 2007I'm a Threat to National Security
14 March 2007Return form Austin
14 March 2007Douglas Coupland, Babbling Idiot
02 March 2007Kiva Success
02 March 2007Back in Tahoe
27 February 2007My Sysiphean Nightmare
27 February 2007On Top of the World!
27 February 2007Royksopp - Remind Me
27 February 2007Dark Skies with Subarus
25 February 2007Comments Are Back
25 February 2007It's Howling
24 February 2007Fucking Glorious Day
23 February 2007Headed Back to Heavenly
17 February 2007Whistler (Blackcomb) Recap
08 February 2007Impression of Vancouver
08 February 2007Packing it in?
05 February 2007Off to Vancouver
03 February 2007Saving My Melon
21 January 2007Ski Haus Redux
19 January 2007Why I Hate Credit Card Companies
17 January 2007So Damn Cold
04 January 2007Upchuck City
03 January 2007You Crash Someone Else's Computer
02 January 2007You're Locked Out of the House
30 December 2006Alex & Andrew
28 December 2006Off to LA
28 December 2006First of the Kiva Loans
28 December 2006Whitewash?
25 December 2006Skiing on Christmas
24 December 2006Christmastime For the Jews
23 December 2006Quake Swarm or the Big One Cometh
20 December 2006Freaking the Cats
20 December 2006'Tis the Season
19 December 2006Want to Become an Atheist?
19 December 2006Trip Down Amnesia Lane
19 December 2006So Bad, It's Good
19 December 2006The Urn will Return*
19 December 2006This Explains So Much*
18 December 2006It's Fricken Freezing
12 December 2006Kiva Update
12 December 2006Comments Line Breaking Nightmare*
12 December 2006Insomnia Kills
11 December 2006MNF Fiasco*
11 December 2006Sam Harris is a God*
11 December 2006Karma Calling*
11 December 2006Thank God Someone Is Finally Getting to the Bottom of This*
10 December 2006You Can't Sleep
09 December 2006Memorial Controversy?
09 December 2006Squirrel Threat Level: Red
04 December 2006'Round the Wicket
01 December 2006Makelani Litter Box Shuffle
01 December 2006Thirsty Cat
30 November 2006Fil and the IKEA Lamp
29 November 2006Christmas Spirit
29 November 2006Conundrum
27 November 2006Bruins are #1!
26 November 2006Freak of Nature (but in a good way)
26 November 2006No Snow, No Love
25 November 2006An Inconvenient Truth
24 November 2006Go Bruins
23 November 2006The Last Run of the Last Day, a Skiing Horror Story
23 November 2006Ski Season is Here
22 November 2006Pandora's Music Box
21 November 2006The Flight of the Penguins
21 November 2006Ski House
21 November 2006HDTV
21 November 2006Something Tasty for Thanksgiving
21 November 2006Because Americans Aren't Fat Enough...
15 November 2006Yosemite Trip
15 November 2006Kiva Update
11 November 2006Highway 24
09 November 2006Election Post-Mortem
09 November 2006History's Fodder
09 November 2006Microfinance: A Little Goes a Long Way
08 November 2006Dems Win!
07 November 2006Vote Early, Go Optical
07 November 2006Election Day Pre-Read
06 November 2006Election '06: The Reckoning
06 November 2006New Favorite Bumper Sticker
09 October 2006Feel Safer?
06 October 2006Half Dome on Cloudy Day
05 October 2006Damn, It's Snowing Already!
05 October 2006Special Comment
28 September 2006Nothing Left to Hate
30 June 2006Ruud Gullit at the Ristorante Bellavista
29 June 2006Land of Bicycles
29 June 2006Day Trip to Utrecht
29 June 2006Anarchy in Holland?
27 June 2006Final Destination: Amsterdam
25 June 2006City of the Dead
18 June 2006Sleep Deprived Mongoloid
17 June 2006I'm Outta Here
17 June 2006You're All Wet
17 June 2006More Traveling
16 June 2006Lots of New Pics
14 June 2006My Kingdom for a Bratwurst
13 June 2006Busy Busy Busy
06 June 2006That didn't Take Long
06 June 2006Another Reason to Hate George Bush
05 June 2006The Bet
04 June 2006Trouble on the Tube
04 June 2006Football Madness
04 June 2006Long Days
04 June 2006Arrived in UK
02 June 2006The Itinerary
30 May 2006Up All Night
29 May 2006No Trace of Irony?
29 May 2006Belly Dancer of the Year 2006
29 May 2006I Nearly Sliced Off My Finger Last Night
26 May 2006Are You Ready for Some Football?*
26 May 2006How Would A Patriot Act?
25 May 2006I'm Weak
25 May 2006Europe in June
25 May 2006Fuck Ya!
22 May 2006NYC Bagels
21 May 2006Under New Ownership
16 May 2006I love New York
14 May 2006Central Park Reservoir
14 May 2006There are Crocs in New York
10 May 2006Hotwired!
09 May 2006Headed to the Big Apple
05 May 2006Wikipedia
05 May 2006Pathetic Bush Legacy
04 May 2006Keep the Internet Free - Net Neutrality
04 May 2006The Ugliest Political Season Ever...
04 May 2006You Know the Skiing Was Good When You Come Home With Sunburnt Elbows
04 May 2006You Have Been Warned!
28 April 2006Makkie Loves Yogurt
28 April 2006Tahoe Finale
25 April 2006The Vitals...
25 April 2006Stolen
25 April 2006It Has Begun
20 April 2006Hitting Home
20 April 2006Whistler and Things
20 April 2006Day 1
14 April 2006Mak & Fil in the Sun
14 April 2006Flying at Alpine
14 April 2006Pen Pals?
13 April 2006Speaking of Rain
13 April 2006The Good News & The Bad News
13 April 2006When it Rains it Pours
07 April 2006Taxman Cometh
07 April 2006Headed up to Tahoe
03 April 2006The Game
03 April 2006Perfect Corduroy
03 April 2006U-C-L-A! Fight! Fight! Fight!
03 April 2006Double Eject
03 April 2006Let Him Rot
03 April 2006Imminent Threat?
31 March 2006Fil's Favorite Spot
30 March 2006Basic Instinct 2...
30 March 2006Ski Weekend
30 March 2006BART is Busted
29 March 2006Stop Illegal Immigration Now
28 March 20062, 3, 4, 11
25 March 2006UCLA is In!!!!!!!
21 March 2006Sweet Bliss
15 March 2006Dining out in Austin
11 March 2006Austin City Bats
10 March 2006Friday Cat Blogging: Mak Digs In
09 March 2006Austin Bound
08 March 2006The Truth With Denials
06 March 2006Morning Ritual
01 March 2006The Machinist
01 March 2006Lazy Day
01 March 2006Lunchtime Yoga
01 March 2006Earthquake!
28 February 2006Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.
27 February 2006Homewood Bound
22 February 2006How Do You Spell Civil War in Arabic?
22 February 2006It Lasts Forever
21 February 2006A Play, Yes, A Play
21 February 2006It's About Time
21 February 2006I Hate NBC
21 February 2006What a Dick or Button on Skating
17 February 2006Friday Cat Blogging: Andrew & Fil
14 February 2006The Best Valentine's Gift
14 February 2006Bush at 39%
14 February 2006I Give Up
14 February 2006Cheney's Got A Gun
14 February 2006Understanding the Cult of Personality
13 February 2006Cognitive Disconnect
12 February 2006Necessary Forgetfulness
11 February 2006Our New, Happy Life
11 February 2006Awesome!
11 February 2006The Olympics Are Here!
10 February 2006Minding the Minders
09 February 2006Pefecting the Language
08 February 2006Feingold on Wiretapping
08 February 2006Inspiring Caution
08 February 2006Holding Bush to Account
08 February 2006Corpses Waiting
07 February 2006Wow!
07 February 2006Mayor Jerry
07 February 2006Concerning the Beast Folk
06 February 2006Spying 101
06 February 2006Once More Into the Breach
05 February 2006Super Bowl Steeler Sunday
05 February 2006Only the Thought Police Mattered
04 February 2006Down the Memory Hole
04 February 2006Russ Feingold For President
02 February 2006Maybe There is a God
01 February 2006How Stupid Are Americans?
30 January 2006Why the Cats Are Under House Arrest
30 January 2006It's About Time
29 January 2006We're Talking About Getting a Court Order...
29 January 2006All You Need To Know About the NSA Scandal
27 January 2006Short Walk Home
27 January 2006Martial Law?
24 January 2006Spalding Lives
24 January 2006I Can't Watch CNN
24 January 2006Why? Why? Why?
24 January 2006In other words...
23 January 2006Reason #183 Why I Love Santa Cruz
21 January 2006Not My Cambodia
19 January 2006Portrait of Cambodia
15 January 2006Mixup at the Plant
13 January 2006Getting Ready for the Show
12 January 2006Impeachment?
10 January 2006In the Millions? Civil Liberties? Not So Much.
10 January 2006Why Elections Matter
09 January 2006More Thoughts on Munich
09 January 2006Going, Going, No Further Advances..SOLD
09 January 2006The High Cost of Doing Business
08 January 2006Interestingness: A New Addiciton
07 January 2006Munich
06 January 2006Banh Mi Dac Biet
05 January 2006Role Reversal
05 January 20066 Cheese Pizza
05 January 2006USC-Texas, The Greatest Game Ever?
03 January 2006What Can I Say? She's a Head Hugging Freak.
01 January 2006Soggy New Year
30 December 2005Comments Working
29 December 2005Web Country Sucks Ass
29 December 2005Spam Commenters with Class
29 December 2005Reason #38 Why I Love my Cat or Filemu, My Deranged Head Hugging Freak of a Cat
29 December 2005Comments Not Working
27 December 2005Owen Wilson
27 December 2005Gift Confusion
27 December 2005Wired Again
24 December 2005From the Horse's Mouth
24 December 2005Gannon Video Retrospective
24 December 2005Mobloggin'
21 December 20053.2 aka Movable Tripe
19 December 2005CR Shots
19 December 2005Perfect Analogy
14 December 2005Leaving CR
10 December 2005No Time to Write
05 December 2005Alajela to La Fortuna
01 December 2005TypeKey is Back
28 November 2005Before Sunset
28 November 2005No Way Out
28 November 2005The Intelligence Warrior
28 November 2005Costa Rica Itinerary
28 November 2005Should Have Been Born in Iceland
28 November 2005Nervous Cat Owner
26 November 2005Adopt A Cat: Macy's SFSPCA Xmas Window
23 November 2005Too Bad, So Sad, Bye Bye
22 November 2005New Specs
22 November 2005Worst President Ever
21 November 2005Chocolate Scrambled Egg Ice Cream
17 November 2005Mexican Chocloate Ice Cream and the Ghetto Market
17 November 2005Concord Flea Market
16 November 2005The Aussies Are In!
16 November 2005A Show for Andrew
16 November 2005French, er, Freedom Toast
15 November 2005Hegel Hammers Bush
15 November 2005The Ropes Are Plenty Strong...
15 November 2005The Ecstasy of Makelani (and the Nine West Purse)
15 November 2005The Ghetto Cottage
15 November 2005Mak in the Sun
15 November 2005Ask Your Doctor About Panexa
15 November 2005Like Flies to Honey
14 November 2005Ice Cream Flop
14 November 2005One Man's Garbage...
14 November 2005Portrait of a Blogger as a Young Man
14 November 2005Capote
11 November 2005The Move
11 November 2005Who's Revising History?
11 November 2005Fucking Centipedes
11 November 2005Come on, Ladies!
11 November 2005War on Terror Touches Home
10 November 2005Pat Buchanan Said What?
10 November 2005Wandering Fil
10 November 2005Finally, A Vacation
10 November 2005A Date With the Big House
10 November 2005An Evening With Paul Hewson
09 November 2005Cambodia Retrospective
09 November 2005GOP's Sanders Elected Mayor
01 November 2005Moving Day
31 October 2005Trick or Treat?
28 October 2005I'm Not a Lawyer, But I Did Stay at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night
28 October 2005If Found Guilty...
28 October 2005Libby Indisted, Resigns
25 October 2005Indictments Cometh
10 October 2005Swimming White Bengal
05 October 2005Decline of the Media
05 October 2005Filling in the Gaps
05 October 2005Better? Same? Worse?
12 September 2005Road Bump For the Aging Aussies
11 September 2005Jen & the Jellyfish
09 September 2005Year One
01 September 2005Back in Business
31 August 2005Nasty, Nasty Katrina
31 August 2005Cat in the Box
31 August 2005Bounced
30 August 2005CVX
29 August 2005Trying to Tell me Something
26 August 2005Independence Hall
20 August 2005Battle Royale
20 August 2005Back East
13 August 2005Gift of Peace
11 August 2005From Russia with Love
11 August 2005It's Official
11 August 2005It's a Longer Journey Than You Think
09 August 2005Mak & Fil on Condo
06 August 2005Why Do I have to Deal With This Shit?
01 August 2005Rethinking Retirement
01 August 2005Denyce Graves at Stern Grove
01 August 2005Blogging Malaise
01 August 2005Birthday Plans
24 July 2005Foggy Golden Gate
24 July 20057 x 7
21 July 2005Crazy Day one At Lord's
20 July 2005The Ashes
18 July 2005Sanders for Mayor
18 July 2005Rest Day
17 July 2005Hitting the Courts
17 July 2005Awesome Americans
17 July 200538 Seconds
17 July 2005Attack in the Pyrenees
14 July 2005Armstrong Under Attack?
12 July 2005Armstrong Back in Yellow
12 July 2005Total Carnage
12 July 2005Tour Reaching its Climax
06 July 2005Bissap Baobab
06 July 2005This Old Hard Drive
05 July 2005Lance in Yellow
04 July 2005Middle America Starts Here
02 July 2005The Tour The Tour The Tour
01 July 2005Price Adjustment
29 June 2005Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
23 June 2005Walking Back the Cat
19 June 2005My Father's Day
15 June 2005The Lexus and the Olive Tree
15 June 2005That Workout Habit
15 June 2005Escape From Alcatraz 2005
14 June 2005Donation Time
10 June 2005Explantion, No Doubt, Forthcoming
08 June 2005Have A Heart: Give Blood
08 June 2005Toilet Train your Cat! Oh, How I Wish
06 June 2005A Real Town Hall Meeting
03 June 2005Poultry Lust
03 June 2005There Goes The Neighborhood
02 June 2005Anita and the Strawberry Margarita
02 June 2005Abandoned Planet Bookstore Cats
02 June 2005Bored in the City
01 June 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day Two)
31 May 2005Do We Still Need PBS?
29 May 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day One)
28 May 2005Belly Dancer of the Year
27 May 2005Fil in the Early Morning Alameda Sun
25 May 2005A Whole New Realm of Hypocrisy
25 May 2005Oh By The Way...
25 May 2005Catapulting Bullshit
25 May 2005The Future of Journalism
25 May 2005Bill Maher: Traitor
25 May 2005PBS Under Attack
24 May 2005A Republican Cabal?
24 May 2005Please, Sir, May I Have Some More Gruel?
23 May 2005Judical Nuclear Meltdown Averted
20 May 2005Watch What You Say, Friend
20 May 2005Media Polarization and You
20 May 2005The Politics of Addiction
20 May 2005Good Thing We Don't Condone Torture Redux
20 May 2005No More Preview
20 May 2005Friday Cat Blogging
20 May 2005He's Likes the Flavored Stuff
19 May 2005Priscilla Owen/Filibuster Debate
18 May 2005Avoiding the Nuclear Meltdown
18 May 2005Republicans Believe the Darndest Things
18 May 2005Nuclear Showdown No Longer on Horizon
17 May 2005Telling It Like It Is
17 May 2005Let's Go Red Sox
17 May 2005Pot to Kettle: "You're Black" Part II
16 May 2005Pot to Kettle: "You're Black"
16 May 2005The Downing Street Memo
13 May 2005Spring is in the Air
13 May 2005Best Intentions
12 May 2005Science Made Simple
09 May 2005The Amazing Traveling Kitten Slideshow
08 May 2005Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Bread
06 May 2005I Don't Get Sick
06 May 2005The Resurrection of Cool
06 May 2005Classic Filemu
06 May 2005Flickr Crazy
04 May 2005Sigh
03 May 2005Go Chelsea!
02 May 2005He's OK
01 May 2005The Season That Wouldn't Quit Finally Quits
30 April 2005Freezing My Tuchus Off
29 April 2005Last Tahoe Weekend
29 April 2005Down to Eight Lives
29 April 2005Hummingbird
28 April 2005The More You Look, The Less You Really Know
28 April 2005The Mighty Have Fallen
28 April 2005He's Good Enough. He's Smart Enough. But Doggone It, Do People Like Him?
27 April 2005Nick Anderson, Editorial Artist
27 April 2005CSS Bug Fixed
26 April 2005There Can Be Little or No Compromise
23 April 2005Staying Home
22 April 2005Makelani's Big Day Out
22 April 2005Protecting the Rights of Pharmacists
21 April 2005The Joys of Greek Yogurt
20 April 2005Sideways
20 April 2005So Long, Chief
20 April 2005Pro Flickr in The Mutherfucking House, Yo!
20 April 2005Team of Destiny?
19 April 2005Kinder, Gentler Vatican?
19 April 2005The Pope is Dead, Long Live the Pope
19 April 2005Good Money is on the Nigerian to Win
18 April 2005Don't Look Now
18 April 2005Have you ever sexual intercourse with someone of Eastern European descent who has had a blood transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa administered by someone who spent more than 3 months in the UK between October 14, 1977 and March 8, 1981?
17 April 2005You Ruin Your Laundry
16 April 2005And the House Was Empty
15 April 2005Surprise, Surprise
15 April 2005Mr. Taxman, Can You Hear Me?
15 April 2005Makelani & Filemu
13 April 2005Greek Naming Challenge
12 April 2005Life No Longer Worth Living
11 April 2005Ooh, Flavored Water
10 April 2005You Couldn't Pay Me Enough
09 April 2005More Snow: The Season That Wouldn't Die
08 April 2005Mak Hanging On For Dear Life
06 April 2005Going to the Game
06 April 2005Whatever a Man Never Has, He Never Misses
05 April 2005As Editors, We Had No Business Being Persuaded by Mountains of Evidence
04 April 2005The Best Game Ever?
04 April 2005Kaplan on Kaplan
04 April 2005Alternatives for Today's Teens
04 April 2005Play Ball!
04 April 2005A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste
03 April 2005Springing Forward, Slowly
01 April 2005On the Papal Death Watch
01 April 2005More Fun With Flickr
01 April 2005The End of Oil or Notes to Clueless Nation
01 April 2005This is Not A Joke
01 April 2005But This Is
31 March 2005The Chrisitian News Network
30 March 2005Johnnie Cochran and Human IQ
30 March 2005Rules Change. The Game Remains the Same.
28 March 2005Christian Mythology
28 March 2005What Would Jesus Do?
28 March 2005Communing with the Faithless
28 March 2005Christian Jihad: Evolution Under Attack
28 March 2005Tidak Bagus
27 March 2005Happy Resurrection, Jesus
26 March 2005Yet Another Tahoe Weekend
24 March 2005Sam Bisbee and Our Media
24 March 2005Once Again, Tom Gets it Right
24 March 2005Die Terri Die
24 March 2005Ladybug Soft Spot
24 March 2005The Office
21 March 2005Big Time Spring Beatback
21 March 2005A Boy and His Cat
19 March 2005It's Snowing Baby!
19 March 2005Fil Eyeballs the Roof
17 March 2005Benefit Trouble
17 March 2005Record Gas Prices & Other Problems
16 March 2005The Great Wisconsin Cat Massacre of '05
16 March 2005Job in CT?
15 March 2005Wrist Trouble
14 March 2005Hot, Hot, Hot!
14 March 2005New Career Path?
14 March 2005Complete Recovery
11 March 2005Classic Mak & Fil
10 March 2005Taking the Cat For a Drag or Fil's Big Day Out
10 March 2005Ray
10 March 2005Modern Communications & the Peace Corps
09 March 2005Guilty Pleasures:
09 March 2005No Wonder People Are So Fucking Fat
08 March 2005Fun with Flickr
07 March 2005Yes, You Can Raed It
04 March 2005Hard Drive Update
04 March 2005Alone in the Wilderness
04 March 2005Fil's New Thing
03 March 2005Enter the Thought Police
03 March 2005The Ten Commandments, The Man & You
02 March 2005Emeryville Freight Train
02 March 2005Major Virtual Meltdown
01 March 2005Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
28 February 2005The Big Kahuna at Freshies
28 February 2005I Missed the Oscars
27 February 2005Before I Hucked My Meat Off the Cornice
25 February 2005I'm Saved
23 February 2005You've Got to be Anti-Semitic as Hell Not To Want to Take a Day Off From School...
23 February 2005Kitty Porn
22 February 2005Looking Down On Creation
22 February 2005Home But Not Thrilled
20 February 2005I'm Afraid You'll Have To Spend Some Time In Your Room
20 February 2005You Get Flat on the Freeway
19 February 2005Seeing Michelle Off
18 February 2005Cruisin' on the 5
18 February 2005Driving to LA
17 February 2005Imagine If...
16 February 2005See it Twice. See it With Someone You Love.
14 February 2005Painless Dentistry
14 February 2005Short Term Memory Loss Followed by Panic
11 February 2005You Forget Your New Camera
11 February 2005Absolut Filemu
11 February 2005Can't Believe It's Friday Already
11 February 2005A Check for Fil
10 February 2005New Toys
09 February 2005Danny Deckchair
07 February 2005This is a Joke, Right?
07 February 2005Stop Perpetrating Like This Shit Ain't Funny
06 February 2005The Super Bowl is Here
06 February 2005Andrew at Heavenly
06 February 2005Heavenly
05 February 2005Ski Kirkwood
04 February 2005Oh, How They Grow!
03 February 2005Seen Any Good Movies?
02 February 2005Drink and Be Merry
01 February 2005Are You Ready For Some Rapture? or The Rapture Is Coming So Why Should I Bother To Make The Bed?
01 February 2005Just When You Thought Beer Couldn't Possibly Be More Useful
31 January 2005Resolution to Your Concerns
31 January 2005Pills, Porn & Casinos
31 January 2005Blogging From the Shitter
31 January 2005Ouch
29 January 2005The Dead of Lake Tahoe
29 January 2005Wireless Up & Running
28 January 2005Coming Home is the Best Part of Your Day
28 January 2005Big Dilema
28 January 2005Looking Down on the World
28 January 2005Maximum Comfort
27 January 2005Good Thing We Don't Condone Torture
27 January 2005The Genius of Evan
27 January 2005Posting From Bloggar
27 January 2005Moving Right Along
26 January 2005The End of Conservatives?
25 January 2005Housekeeping
24 January 2005That's Why They Call it Heavenly
24 January 2005Working From The Fascist Playbook
21 January 2005Mak in Drawer
20 January 2005Perfect Words For A Less Than Perfect Time
20 January 2005SpongeBob SquarePants: OUTED
20 January 2005FOUR MORE YEARS
20 January 2005Overheard on the Lift
19 January 2005Firefox Hell
18 January 2005First Heavenly Weekend
18 January 2005Overheard on the Lift
18 January 2005Moment of Accountability
18 January 2005The Worst Joke Ever
18 January 2005Dental Day Report
17 January 2005Honoring Dr. King
17 January 2005Dental Day
16 January 2005How Crazy Would I Have to Make My Signature?
14 January 2005Off to Tahoe
14 January 2005They Don't Say Please In Israel
13 January 2005Snow Fun
13 January 2005If You Can't Trust Journalists, Who Can You Trust?
12 January 2005Shit Stirring
12 January 2005God and the Tsunami
10 January 2005King Arthur
09 January 2005Past the First Hurdle
08 January 2005Snowed Out
08 January 2005You Can't Find the TV Remote
07 January 2005Comments Up
06 January 2005Clever Little Filemu
06 January 2005More Tech Trouble
04 January 2005The Da Vinci Code
04 January 2005Read Lots O' Blogs? Get Bloglines
04 January 2005Outside Privileges Revoked
03 January 2005The West Wing
03 January 2005The Rams Are In!
02 January 2005Cleaning House
01 January 2005Happy New Year!
31 December 2004No Skiing For Andrew
30 December 2004Typekey, the Wave of the Future
29 December 2004A Tsunami Blows Through Town
28 December 2004The Aviator
28 December 2004Ya Baby!
27 December 2004In the Sleeping Car
26 December 2004My First Christmas
24 December 2004If Cats Could Blog
23 December 2004Ok, I Get It
22 December 2004Geee-Minny
22 December 2004Getting in Gear
22 December 2004Out of Control
21 December 2004Moving Day (Part Three)
20 December 2004Moving Day (Part Two)
20 December 2004Broadband Cometh
19 December 2004The Happy Family
19 December 2004Moving Day (Part One)
19 December 2004My Dad and His Grandson
18 December 2004An Island Off the Coast of America
16 December 2004The Many Faces of Mateo Deshong
16 December 2004Marni & Mateo
15 December 2004The Passion
15 December 2004Welcome to the World, Mateo
14 December 2004Fired, Yes, but the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
14 December 2004Bad Shit in Salinas
14 December 2004Senior Transitions
14 December 2004New Addition En Route
10 December 2004Best Friends
09 December 20049/10
08 December 2004Is America the Best Place to Live in the World?
08 December 2004Driving Amnesia
08 December 2004Currency Markets Hate Freedom
07 December 2004All Steamed Up
07 December 2004The Station Agent
05 December 2004More BCS BS
03 December 2004Xmas Kitten
01 December 2004Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me
01 December 2004The Verdict
01 December 2004Free Credit Report
01 December 2004Activision Tops October Techworld Charts With 4 Top 10 PC Games
30 November 2004Dalat
30 November 2004Benefits and Things
30 November 2004The Weather...Frightful
29 November 2004US bombs out in 'Geography Olympics'
27 November 2004Credit Fubar
25 November 2004Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House...
24 November 2004Super Size Me
23 November 2004You Are What You Eat
22 November 2004Kitten M*A*S*H
19 November 2004Doomed to Repeat
19 November 2004DeLay Indictment/Conviction
19 November 2004Nuthin' but Star Wars
17 November 2004Out With The Old And In With The New
16 November 2004Comments not working
15 November 2004So Long Colin Powell
12 November 2004Makelani on the Shower Door
10 November 2004Take Your Liberal-Bashing, Federal-Tax-Leaching, Confederate-Flag-Waving, Holier-Than-Thou, Hypocritical Bullshit and Shove It Up Your Ass
09 November 2004So it's Come to This? or "Blue" State Solution
09 November 2004Ashcroft Resigns or What About Those Wolves?
05 November 2004Fil Attacks!
04 November 2004Exit Polling and a More Perfect Election
03 November 2004A Rough Night For the Blue Team
02 November 2004This Pretty Much Sums It Up
02 November 2004Election Day Photos
02 November 2004This is Really Disturbing if True
02 November 2004Democracy is Messy
02 November 2004Election Day, November, 1884
02 November 2004The Poor Voter on Election Day
01 November 2004Day Lights Savings Time Blues
01 November 2004Some Jackass Hit a Power Pole and Fucked Up an Otherwise Beautiful Day
01 November 2004She Wins!
01 November 2004Pundit Predictions
01 November 2004Registered, Finally
01 November 2004The Prisoners Have Escaped
31 October 2004Pumpkin-flation
29 October 2004Republicans for Kerry
28 October 2004He Said What?!?
28 October 2004Eyewitness to a Failure in Iraq
27 October 2004It's the Minorites...
27 October 2004You see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor and it would have different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could…jump to.
27 October 2004Finally, A Democrat With a Backbone
27 October 2004Letter to a Republican
27 October 200450-48 Kerry
26 October 2004What's This About?
26 October 2004The Election: Only a Week To Go
26 October 2004The Right to Vote
26 October 2004Standing Up For Massachusetts
26 October 2004Is This Really Happening In Our Country?
26 October 2004Look Ma, No Tables
26 October 2004Here It Comes
25 October 2004I Hate to Say It, But...
25 October 2004Wolfpaks For Truth
25 October 2004The Bullshit Piles Up So Fast in Iraq,
You Need Wings To Stay Above It
25 October 2004Wax My Skis & Sharpen My Edges
21 October 2004Bush Supporters Still Believe Iraq Had WMD or Major Program
21 October 2004John Kerry for President
20 October 2004God: The Ultimate Flip-Flopper
20 October 2004Bush Relatives for Kerry
19 October 2004Don't Misunderestimate Us
19 October 2004Bonds Ball
19 October 2004Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O'Reilly
19 October 2004Cross Party Endorsement
19 October 2004It's Raining, It's Pouring
19 October 2004Electoral Vote Predictor 2004
19 October 2004Sinclair Getting Hammered
18 October 2004No Flu Vaccine Crisis?:
18 October 2004The Book on Bush
18 October 2004100 Years of Ineptitude
15 October 2004Rock The Vote, The RNC & The Draft
15 October 2004Jon Stewart to Tucker Carlson: "You're a Dick"
15 October 2004The Trouble With Sinclair
15 October 2004The Ironic Faux Cheney Outrage
14 October 2004Late Night Humor
14 October 2004Assault Weapons Ban Disconnect
14 October 2004"Of Course" Watch
14 October 2004Answer The Question!
14 October 2004Chiron, The Flu, The President & You
14 October 2004The Bin Laden Problem
14 October 2004No Child Left Behind: The Panacea
14 October 2004Oh, Nevermind
14 October 2004George Bush: Record of Acheivement
13 October 2004Great Questions
13 October 2004Kill Me Ambiguously
13 October 2004Liberal Liberal Liberal
13 October 2004The Real Story of the Election
13 October 2004Get Chipped Up
13 October 2004The Choice 2004
13 October 2004I Gave at the Office
12 October 2004AB63 Business Tax Registration Project
12 October 2004Apartment Hunting
11 October 2004Letter to David Brooks
09 October 20042nd Debate
07 October 2004"Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud"
06 October 2004The Brilliance of Le Show
06 October 2004Why Kerry Must Win
05 October 2004Who's The Best Fighter Pilot You Ever Saw?
05 October 2004One Good Weekend
05 October 2004Oops
04 October 2004Damn, I Hope the Kerry People Read This
01 October 2004Practice to Deceive
01 October 2004Jim Lehrer: An Idiot or Just Plain Dumb
01 October 2004Refelctions on the Debate
30 September 2004Bring It On
30 September 2004The Debate About the Debates
29 September 2004Before I Forget...
27 September 2004Go Ahead. Kick Some Ass!
23 September 2004Oh, The Irony!
22 September 2004If There is a Hell...
22 September 2004Killing Time
22 September 2004It's All But Over Now
22 September 2004Eerie Parallels
21 September 2004Extreme Oil
21 September 2004How Did I Ever Live Without Trader Joe's?
20 September 2004The Politics of Pixar
20 September 2004How Cheap is Cheap?
20 September 2004Wed Britney Wed
18 September 2004OpenCourseWare
17 September 2004Good For a Laugh
14 September 2004Another eBay Scam?
13 September 2004I Want My AK-47
13 September 2004This Turns My Stomach
13 September 2004Get Your Free iPod
11 September 2004Opportunity Costs Suck
10 September 2004Apartment in the City
07 September 2004The Trouble with Makkie
06 September 2004Idle No More
02 September 2004Subaru Secured
31 August 2004The Bastards Stole My Gym Bag
26 August 2004Women Rule
26 August 2004Hatikvah!
25 August 2004I Want My Velodrome
24 August 2004Who's Got the World Record?
24 August 2004Gymnastics is a Wrap
21 August 2004Adios Swimming, See You in Four
21 August 2004Hot Chile
20 August 2004And a 8.9 From the American Judge!
20 August 2004What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is Going On Here?
20 August 2004Hello, Dr. Detroit
19 August 2004Shotput in Olympia
19 August 2004Olympics in Hi-Def
18 August 2004One Korea?
17 August 2004How Cool is Google?
17 August 2004It's On!
16 August 2004They Held the Olympics and Nobody Showed Up
16 August 2004Avoiding the News
16 August 2004The Real Dream Team
15 August 2004Controversy in the Pool
15 August 2004The Team That Couldn't Shoot Straight
13 August 2004Katie Couric is Horrible
12 August 2004One Day in September
10 August 2004Olympic Fever
05 August 2004The Imam and the Pizza Parlor
05 August 2004Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean Someone Is Not Trying to Kill You
04 August 2004So They Say It's Your Birthday
03 August 2004Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy, Sir
02 August 2004The Manchurian Candidate
26 July 2004The Company
25 July 2004Go Lance Go
14 July 2004Is Your Blog Getting Spammed?
14 July 2004Upping the Ante
13 July 2004Positively Fifth Street
12 July 2004The FMA and You
11 July 2004Advice to Nader
09 July 2004We're Putting the Band Back Together
08 July 2004Kenny-Boy, Finally
08 July 2004Just an Exhibition, Not a Competion, Please No Wagering
07 July 2004Between Iraq and Hard Place
06 July 2004WSOP 2004: Anyone Can Win
05 July 2004Wave Spinner
05 July 2004When's That Tour de France Thing Anyway?
04 July 20044th of July Dud
03 July 2004Saturn is Cool
03 July 2004Fahrenheit 9/11
03 July 2004"Everything I Say, by Definition, is a Promise"
02 July 2004It's Not Like Stealing Cable, Is it?
01 July 2004Guilty About Fiction
28 June 2004I'll Tell You What This Means, Norm. No Size Restrictions and Screw the Limit.
25 June 2004Go Negative Early and Often
25 June 2004Victory is Mine or Dude, You're Getting a Dell
18 June 2004Cambodia Resurrected
16 June 2004Fahrenheit 9/11 Flap
16 June 2004Yahoooey
14 June 2004My Big Fat Greek War or We'll Always Have Paris
13 June 2004Little Lost Drivers License
10 June 2004Ray Charles is God
09 June 2004Make it Stop
07 June 2004Alcatraz Mess
05 June 2004Escape from Alcatraz
05 June 2004In Robert Mondavi's John
05 June 2004Napa
05 June 2004Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
04 June 2004Our Long National Nightmare Is Finally Over
03 June 2004Gratuitous Kitten Shot
29 May 2004Books on CD
28 May 2004In San Diego
25 May 2004Oy Sole
24 May 2004How's Your Hmoob?
19 May 2004Blase
18 May 2004The Silent Treatment or My War with Compaq
15 May 2004Napa Valley Triathlon
15 May 2004Low Light with the 10D
14 May 2004The Smudge
13 May 2004Gig with Brightroom
12 May 2004New Toy
07 May 2004Return to Action Shooters
06 May 2004Squirrel Threat Level: Elevated
02 May 2004Feline Harmony
01 May 2004Uno de Mayo
30 April 2004El Morocco
30 April 2004Destination Walnut Creek
29 April 2004Taking Cats Across State Lines For Immoral Purposes
28 April 2004The Lofty Summits of A-Basin
27 April 2004Goodbye to My Quiet, Little, Redneck, Podunk, White Trash, Mushuggeneh, Mountain Town
26 April 2004Best Con Flicks?
26 April 2004Off to A-Basin
25 April 2004Day at Breck
25 April 2004Bloating? Gas? Irregularity? Good News...
24 April 2004Play Ball
24 April 2004No Idleness Today
23 April 2004Iron Chef America. Yes!
21 April 2004Deja Vu of Idleness
21 April 2004Little Red Fil
20 April 2004Fucking Dogs
18 April 2004What Happens When the Season is Ending and 125 becostumed, IQ-Challenged, Alcohol-Fueled, Adrenaline Junkies Try to Ski Across a 50 Foot Pond Filled with 39 Degree Water? Well, You've Got Vail's World Alpine Pond Skimming Championships.
17 April 2004Report Card
16 April 2004Can't Sleep
15 April 2004Caption Contest
14 April 2004Decisions, Decisions
14 April 2004Kitten Love
13 April 2004Blue Sky Dreaming
13 April 2004Spring Comes Back With a Vengeance
13 April 2004Lost Fonts
13 April 2004Did You See the W Press Conference?
11 April 2004Air Oly
10 April 2004Brian: Day Five (Vail)
10 April 2004White Trailer Park Spring
09 April 2004Brian: Day Four (Vail)
09 April 2004Flying Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease (Sort Of)
08 April 2004Brian: Day Three (Vail)
07 April 2004Brian: Day Two (Beaver Creek)
06 April 2004Brian: Day One (Vail)
06 April 2004Brian Arrives
05 April 2004This is Cool (Literally)
05 April 2004Do You Shop at Walmart?
05 April 2004Sushi Night in Edwards.
05 April 2004Zionist Pigs
04 April 2004I'm Psyched
04 April 2004It's Raining, It's Pouring...
04 April 20044 4 4
01 April 2004A Major Decision
01 April 2004$2.05
01 April 2004End of an Era
31 March 2004A Greater Appreciation of Vowels
30 March 2004It's a Beautiful Morning
28 March 2004How Many Pictures Did I Take Today?
28 March 2004Check Out Vail
28 March 2004The Snow Continues
27 March 2004Single Wide Days I
27 March 2004Snow, Snow, Snow
26 March 2004Oy! That Hurts
24 March 2004That's the Future President of the United States on a Snowboard
24 March 2004Percipitation Disaster
22 March 2004American Ski Classic
18 March 2004Anatomy of a Wipe Out
18 March 2004Colorado, Maybe it's Not Such a Bad Place After All
18 March 2004Job Offer
18 March 2004Boys in the Sled
18 March 2004Some Guy
18 March 2004Chinga te, Espana
17 March 2004I've Got a Rocket in My Pocket
17 March 2004Send Me a Postcard
16 March 2004Minor Panic Attack
15 March 2004New Snow
13 March 2004Trailer Trash
13 March 2004Spring Skiing
10 March 2004How Lazy am I? This Lazy
08 March 2004Spalding Gray's Body
06 March 2004Next Stop...The Twilight Zone
02 March 2004Slave to Ibuprofen
02 March 2004Congrats, Senator Kerry
29 February 2004Happy Leap Day
29 February 2004It's Still Snowing
28 February 2004Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow.
28 February 2004Bin Laden in Custody?
27 February 2004Can You Ski Under the Stars in Colorado? Damn Straight You Can
25 February 2004Note to Catholic Readers
25 February 2004This is a Fucked-Up State
25 February 2004What? Me? A Homeowner? Please.
25 February 2004Off to the Beaver
24 February 2004Dale of Norway
24 February 2004Skiing Idiots
24 February 2004Skiing Solo
24 February 2004New Computer, Finally
24 February 2004I'm Surrounded by Psychos II
23 February 2004Help, I'm having an Orgasm
22 February 2004So This is What I Look Like
22 February 2004Sorry About the Lack of Posts
15 February 2004The Beast
14 February 2004It's so Cold You Can See Your Breath
14 February 2004Could Be a Beautiful Day
11 February 2004Rodent on a Snowboard
11 February 2004Oddly Fun Day
11 February 2004Knocking on Death's Door
09 February 2004I'm Surrounded by Psychos
08 February 2004The Dangers of Skiing
08 February 2004Flying on 'Born Free'
07 February 2004Go Activision!
05 February 2004Taxes Are Done (Yea!)
05 February 2004The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On
05 February 2004Great Day
05 February 2004More Laptop Problems
05 February 2004Get Me Out of This Gondola
01 February 2004Watching the Super Bowl? Not Me
31 January 2004Plagued by Blue Screen of Death
30 January 2004Does the Pope Shit in the Woods?
28 January 2004Can Someone Explain the US Dollar to Me?
28 January 2004To Ski or Not To Ski
28 January 2004Please Defend W. Go Ahead. Make My Day
27 January 2004Kittens in the Snow
26 January 2004New Hampshire
26 January 2004Apres Ski
25 January 2004Near Disaster
25 January 2004Online Above 10,000 feet
25 January 2004Spaulding Gray Missing
25 January 2004Bring on the Snow
25 January 2004Where Have You Gone, Andrew?
24 January 2004Adios, Helmut
23 January 2004New Home Sweet Home
20 January 2004Driving in Cars with Cats
19 January 2004Hitting the Road
19 January 2004C'mon Arizona, Get With the Program
19 January 2004Vail, There's No Comparison
19 January 2004Down to Wire in Iowa
19 January 2004Do You Want a Bun With That?
18 January 2004How Does Your ZIP Code Rank?
17 January 2004Hodad's
16 January 2004Your Credit Card is Denied
15 January 2004Computer Crash
14 January 2004Now I Remember...
13 January 2004Paranoid? No, not me
13 January 2004Road Trip
12 January 2004Mak for Dean
12 January 2004Giancarlo Esposito
11 January 2004Dean for HHS?
10 January 2004Prediction Time
09 January 2004Mak and the Deep Blue Sky
09 January 2004Me & My Subaru
09 January 2004Nothing's Sacred
09 January 2004Praise Jesus
08 January 2004Remember Sammy Jankis?
07 January 2004Notes From a Broad
06 January 2004James Rebhorn
06 January 2004Ask Your Doctor About Zastudil
06 January 2004Visit Samoa Week
06 January 2004Through the Hoops
06 January 2004Loan Approved!
06 January 2004New Wheels
06 January 2004Equifax Sucks
05 January 2004New Pictures
05 January 2004Why New Hampshire?
04 January 2004It's Beginning
01 January 2004Happy New Year!!!!!!!!
01 January 2004Stocks at the New Year
29 December 2003New Year's Eve
28 December 2003"I Think I Have Your Cat" or The Top Ten Reasons Fil is Trying to Escape
28 December 2003Anyone Can Win
27 December 2003"Do You Own a Cat Named, Fil"?
26 December 2003If It's Boxing Day, It Must be Melbourne
26 December 2003The Weather Outside...
25 December 2003Happy Birthday, Jesus
25 December 2003No Virginia, There Isn't a Santa Claus
24 December 2003Winter Wonderland
22 December 2003Can You Use That in a Sentence Please?
22 December 2003A Quick User Guide to American Idle Under the Increased Terrorist Threat Level
21 December 200313 Holiday Distinctions
20 December 2003We Must Protect This House
19 December 2003Return from GRE
18 December 2003GRE Blues
17 December 2003Mathis or Sinatra?
16 December 2003Look Out Berkeley
16 December 2003The Real Reason for the Ivasion of Iraq
15 December 2003It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Conspicuous Consumption
14 December 2003Where Were You When?
13 December 2003How Much is That Doggie in the Window?
12 December 2003The Cat Who Came in From the Cold
09 December 2003Little Cat Lost
08 December 2003The Weather Outside is Frightful...
05 December 2003Please Wait
04 December 2003Alexander Wept
03 December 2003End of a (short) Era
03 December 2003Sedona or Disneyland?
02 December 2003Small Victories
01 December 2003Ain't Nothing to Watch
30 November 2003What's Wrong With This Country?
29 November 2003The Perfect Papya Milkshake
28 November 2003If Your Pictures Aren't Good Enough, You're Not Close Enough...
27 November 2003Oops, I Forgot to Blog
27 November 2003Daily Epiphany (x2)
26 November 2003Don't Cook Those Carrots...
25 November 2003The Best Purchase Ever
24 November 2003I'm 33, Which is Almost 35, Which is Almost Mid-30s*
12 November 2003Give Me Some Money
11 November 2003McVictory For Semantics
11 November 2003Cult of Don
11 November 2003Casulaties of Peace
11 November 2003Bitter With Baggage Seeks Same
10 November 2003The Kids Are Alright
09 November 2003Awaken All Ye Spirits
07 November 2003I Have a New Love
06 November 2003Feel Free to Move About the Country
06 November 2003I Like Chicken, I Like Liver...
05 November 2003Stop the Madness
04 November 2003Fefe
04 November 2003Unkosher Shoes
03 November 2003"American Psycho" Moment
03 November 2003New York Flowers
03 November 2003Those Running Indian Octogenarians
02 November 2003"Life Interrupted"
02 November 2003Ed Heck
02 November 2003No Battery For Andrew
01 November 2003Halloween in the Big Apple
01 November 2003Sex in The City
31 October 2003Two State Solution?
31 October 2003Never Chew on Foil
31 October 2003Revenge of Peace Corps
30 October 2003So What if the Jews Killed Jesus?
30 October 2003"If You Say Anything Else About My Haircut, I'm Going to Rip Your Testicles Off"
28 October 2003The Joy of Jarlsberg
28 October 2003The Bible Code
27 October 2003Never Ending Sushi
25 October 2003NY State of Mind
24 October 2003The Jews of Vishniac
24 October 2003Washington Monument
23 October 2003Culture ... It's a Beautiful Thing
23 October 2003Vasquez to Step Down
22 October 2003Slurpee Time
22 October 2003Tools of the Trade (SLR envy)
21 October 2003Pandas
21 October 2003Hippo Yawn
20 October 2003Are You Ready For Some Football?
19 October 2003I'm Tajikistan
19 October 2003The Capitol
18 October 2003Bring On the Fall Classic
18 October 2003Oh, What Fun
17 October 2003Culture Shock
16 October 2003Excuse Me While I Rule the World
15 October 2003W Accomlishments
15 October 2003Dead Man
14 October 2003Meanwhile, Across from the White House...
14 October 2003A Walk in the City
14 October 2003Damn These Shoes
13 October 2003Cell Phone Freaks (Can You Hear Me Now?)
12 October 2003"The Peace Corps Never Warned Me what I was Really in For"
12 October 2003Fall Colors
11 October 2003Expanding Like a Bloated Pig
11 October 2003Where Do They Come From?
10 October 2003Iwo Jima Memorial
10 October 2003Letter from my Cats
10 October 2003Departure Tax
08 October 2003Feeling Minnesota...
07 October 2003LA Haze
07 October 2003Long Journey
07 October 2003Samoan Artist
07 October 2003Catastrophe
06 October 2003Tofa Soifua, Samoa
06 October 2003The Inexhautible World
05 October 2003Mak Galloping
05 October 2003Pile-up on the Digital Divide
04 October 2003California Pizza Kitchen`s Thai Chicken Pizza
02 October 2003Apia Dusk
01 October 2003Floating Classroom
01 October 2003Makelani Demonstrates Safe Packing Procedures for Felines
01 October 2003New Kitten Bed
30 September 2003Falling Coconuts
30 September 2003Pizza Cutter for Andrew
29 September 2003NFL on Sunday
28 September 2003The Most Beautiful Spot in Samoa
27 September 2003Filemu Sleeps in DVD Burner Case
27 September 2003Everything You Ever Wanted Know About eBay Scams...
27 September 2003John Walder Photography
27 September 2003Cat's Meow for Health
25 September 2003Virent ova! Viret perna!
25 September 2003Matthew McConaughey Is Calling. How Far Will You Go?
24 September 2003Left on a Jet Plane
23 September 2003Sunset from Fagali'i
23 September 2003Jen in Apia
23 September 2003Rainy Season Returns
22 September 2003Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Bread
22 September 2003Congrats Marni & Paris!
21 September 2003Samoa's Wicked Banyan Trees
21 September 2003Laulaufaiva
19 September 2003Lady Ursula
19 September 2003Lady Samoa II
14 September 2003Fao Fao Siva Afi
12 September 2003Too Much of Good Thing
12 September 2003Nobody Came to the Site
11 September 2003Puppies
10 September 2003Vailima
08 September 2003Miss Samoa 2003
07 September 2003Rosemary Blue Cheese Pizza & Miss Samoa
07 September 2003Souvenirs de Nancy
06 September 2003Finally, a Spice Garden
05 September 2003I'm a Lean Mean Grilling Machine
05 September 2003Miss Tutti Frutti
04 September 2003First Visitor
03 September 2003Massive Quake Hits Samoa
02 September 2003Pumpernickel Bagels
01 September 200327 Views of the Government Buidling
30 August 2003Teuila is Here!
29 August 2003The Biggest Cat in Samoa
29 August 2003Happy Birthday, Paleni! We love you, Amigo!
28 August 2003The Last Time I'll Ever Mention Mars on This Site (Most Likely
27 August 2003Congrats, New Group!
27 August 2003Coke Girl
27 August 2003Jake Update
27 August 2003Pua'a
27 August 2003Fautasi is coming!
27 August 2003Keke Pua'a
26 August 2003Who Remembers When? Who Cares?
25 August 2003More PCVs Head for Home
25 August 2003Naked Chef II
25 August 2003I've Got Worms!
24 August 2003Bagels in Paradise
22 August 2003Bada Bing!
21 August 2003Accommodation
21 August 2003Going Nowhere
21 August 2003New Neighbors
20 August 2003Go Slugs!
20 August 2003Al Franken In Sorry State
19 August 2003Cat Nip in the Peace Corps Office
18 August 2003Yachties in Apia for Teuila
16 August 2003American Policy Upsets Locals
15 August 2003Jake Update
14 August 2003Filemu Shake
14 August 2003Flowers at the Bus Stop
14 August 2003Full up
14 August 2003School Girls
14 August 2003"Jake LaMotta"
14 August 2003Filemu Montage
13 August 2003Mad Max Meets His Maker
13 August 2003Grant Denied
13 August 2003Garlic Rosemary Sausage Pizza
12 August 2003The Great Dirt Experiment
12 August 2003Reason #34 Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
12 August 2003Cleopatra's Sister
11 August 2003OOOOOOOH ............... BARRACUDA!!!!!
11 August 2003How Much Does a Fat Kid Love Cake?
11 August 2003The Dullest Blog in the World
10 August 2003Spectacular Mars
09 August 2003I Might Already Have Won 1 Million Dollars
09 August 2003International Cooperation
09 August 2003Mushroom Pizza
09 August 2003Champ of Champs
08 August 2003Wonder What Other PCVs Are Doing?
08 August 2003Finding Nemo
08 August 2003The Death of Richard Kalin
07 August 2003Balzac and the Little Seamstress
07 August 2003Fiddling, Fumbling and Failing
06 August 2003Surprise Phone Call
05 August 2003Jane's Tabby
04 August 2003Swimming With Turtles
03 August 2003I want my Monterey Roast Beef Sandwich
01 August 2003Going Away for the Weekend
01 August 2003A Little Goes a Long Way
01 August 2003Little Lost Friend
01 August 2003Riding sans Helmet
31 July 2003Damn Centipedes
31 July 2003Like the Queen of Sheba
31 July 2003Peace Corps Plans Return to St. Kitts
30 July 2003Coconut Blog
30 July 200324 Hours on Craigslist
30 July 2003Computers from Hawaii
29 July 2003Crazy White Girl
28 July 2003Blue Cheese Pizza
27 July 2003Lance wins Fifth!
26 July 2003National Youth Choir of Great Britain
25 July 2003Seeing Mars
24 July 2003Father of Siva Afi Dies
24 July 2003Does that Kevlar Vest Come in Blue?
24 July 2003Cat Talk
24 July 2003Klepto Cat
23 July 2003Mak on a Hot Tin Roof
22 July 2003A Consipracy of Paper
22 July 2003Whitney's Wacky Israel Visit
22 July 2003Peace Corps to Return in Jordan
21 July 2003Armstrong in Dogfight
20 July 2003The Recruit
19 July 2003Thai Chicken Pizza
19 July 2003Ganja Girl
19 July 2003Carnal Knowledge
18 July 2003Excel from Dummies
17 July 2003They had but one last remaining night together...
17 July 2003PCV Found Dead in Mali
17 July 2003Samoa Beats USA?
16 July 2003Whale of a Movie
15 July 2003New peril for Armstrong
13 July 2003Reloading with Blanks?
13 July 2003What's in a Name?
12 July 2003Laptop Hosed
12 July 2003Blogs Go Mainstream
11 July 2003Say Goodbye To Mosquito Bites!
11 July 2003Freecell Update (1400 up 200 Down)
10 July 2003We're #73
10 July 2003Edam and Weep
10 July 2003Shiri
10 July 2003Internet Prices in Samoa
09 July 20034th of July Gallery
08 July 2003It's a World Record!!
07 July 2003Dennis Kucunich is My Boy
05 July 2003Sunset from Bus
04 July 2003July 4th Message from the Big Boss
03 July 2003Drive for Five
03 July 2003Chez Anetelu
03 July 2003Amelie
03 July 2003Recipe for a Chuckle
02 July 2003New Peace Corps learn the Samoan way
02 July 2003New Peace Corps learn the Samoan way
02 July 2003Upstream, downstream or bitstream
02 July 2003U.S. Cuts Miltary Aid to Samoa
02 July 2003French Warship in Port
02 July 2003Virgin Coconut Oil Kills Candida
01 July 2003Kyowa Hibiscus Pulls into Apia Harbor
30 June 2003Today is National Blonde Day
30 June 2003Can You Imagine the Smell?
30 June 2003It's Samoa Damn It!
30 June 2003What is Wrong With These People?
29 June 2003Adaptation
28 June 2003Dude, I've Got a Phone
28 June 2003Pizza Redux
27 June 2003Grant Proposal Finished
27 June 2003On a Painted Ocean
27 June 2003Halle-fucking-lujah
26 June 2003The War on Spam
25 June 20038 Women
25 June 2003Near-Life Experience
24 June 2003Lookout, Wolfgang
24 June 2003Get Yourself a Segway
24 June 2003Behold the Oracle of Starbucks
23 June 2003Dude, I'm Getting a Phone
23 June 2003Damn It's Cold in Here
22 June 2003New Look
22 June 2003Sonification
21 June 2003Christ, Did a Cow Shit in Here?
20 June 2003Ireland crushes Samoa
19 June 2003Manu Samoa Tats
19 June 2003Blogging from ANZ
19 June 2003If You Read This, Please Comment
18 June 2003MV Polynesia
17 June 2003Ireland in Town
17 June 2003Having A Bad Day?
17 June 2003I'm Addicted to Freecell
16 June 2003Royal Canadian Navy?
14 June 2003Trade American Idle
14 June 2003Clock on Splash Page
13 June 2003Taxes Finally Done
12 June 2003Charlie Don't Surf
11 June 2003Books Cost Too Much
11 June 2003Late flight
08 June 2003Chow Down
07 June 2003Army of Fools
07 June 2003Iraq's Hidden Treasure
06 June 2003Starry Night
05 June 2003Live Sheep Coming to Samoa
05 June 2003Snow Falling on Cedars
05 June 2003Taumarina wins uninspiring race
04 June 2003Gecko Technology Comes to the Masses
02 June 2003This is Not an Exit
01 June 2003Sunday in Samoa
31 May 2003Apia Ironman
31 May 2003Rudolph in Custody
30 May 2003Nigerian Scam Response
29 May 2003High Noon at Sliding Rock
29 May 2003I'm So Happy I Can Cry
28 May 2003"Flashed" with Success
28 May 2003Yahoo with a Name
27 May 2003Translate This Site
26 May 2003Australia Finally Loses
25 May 2003Flash Intro
25 May 2003New Restaurant is a Blessing
24 May 2003Early Morning Chase
24 May 2003Well, George, We Knocked The Bastard Off
23 May 2003Sweet Filemu
22 May 2003Ua Pe le Paipa
22 May 2003Mikom Accord
20 May 2003Locked Out
19 May 2003Welcome to the Evolution in Mobility
19 May 2003Yahoo Still Sucks
18 May 2003Surf Girls
17 May 2003Bit by Another Dog
16 May 2003Bit by Another Dog
15 May 2003Sunset over Apia
13 May 2003Third Trip to Lefaga
13 May 2003Nigerian Money Scam
13 May 2003Weak Dollar Sucks
13 May 2003Beverly the Yachtie
12 May 2003Peace Corps in Haiti
12 May 2003Return of Norbert
11 May 2003Neo vs. Smith
10 May 200305.15? Not in Samoa
10 May 2003Sleepless in Apia
09 May 2003New Galleries
08 May 2003Yes, but Does He Have What it Takes to be a Peace Corps Volunteer?
07 May 2003Trouble in Paradise
06 May 2003Return to Lefaga
06 May 2003Pacific Princess
05 May 2003Cinco de Mayo
05 May 2003SARS Update
03 May 2003First Yacht
02 May 2003Yahoo Sucks
02 May 2003All Jacked Up
02 May 2003Don't Speed You Idiot
01 May 2003De-Sexed in the City
30 April 2003Fiddler Crab Dinner
29 April 2003Public Notice
29 April 2003Fingers numb
29 April 2003
27 April 2003Tour de Savai'i
24 April 2003Passover in Baghdad
24 April 2003Former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Is in U.S. Custody
24 April 2003New Fox Reality Show To Determine Ruler Of Iraq
24 April 2003Talk About Your High Profile Free Agent Singings
22 April 2003Blender Heaven
21 April 2003A Trip Down Amnesia Lane
21 April 2003Brazil Compilation
21 April 2003The Talented Mr. Ripley
21 April 2003The Mosquito Coast
21 April 2003Would You Like Fries With That, Soldier?
20 April 2003Christ Dyed Eggs For Your Sins
20 April 2003Nina Simone Gone
20 April 2003Pussy Whipped
20 April 2003Will the Real Hussein Please Stand Up?
19 April 2003Brazilian Compilation
19 April 2003Pigeon Power
18 April 2003Development and the Internet
18 April 2003One Day This Walk is Going to Kill Me
18 April 2003Know a Good Blind Lawyer?
17 April 2003Freedom Ain't Cheap
17 April 2003Tahitian Princess
16 April 2003Iron Chef
16 April 2003Upchuck City
15 April 2003Tax Day
15 April 2003Separated in Guyana
14 April 2003Attacked by Punk
13 April 2003Saved by Sio
12 April 2003Tachycardia Strikes Again
12 April 2003Johnny English
11 April 2003Steve Waugh = Legend
11 April 2003My Uncle Oswald
11 April 2003Palagi Mafia in Apia?
10 April 2003The Steakhouse
10 April 2003Mission to Lefaga
10 April 2003Mafaufau Maloloina
09 April 2003Te Vaka Never to Return
09 April 2003Saddam is History?
08 April 2003Compatibility Mode?
08 April 2003Introduction to HTML
08 April 2003Possession
07 April 2003April Madness
06 April 2003Mint Chip, Anyone?
06 April 2003Drinking on the Seawall
06 April 2003Defrag
05 April 2003We Don't Need Your Tears...
05 April 2003Peace Corps Leaves China
04 April 2003Fungal Thing
03 April 2003Ever Wonder What Cats Are Thinking?
03 April 2003Paul Theroux Interview
03 April 2003Peace Corps Program in Morocco Put on Hold
02 April 2003Digital Freedom Initiave
31 March 2003Statement on Iraq
29 March 2003Woken Up By Quake
28 March 200336 Hours to Paradise?
23 March 2003Australia stomps India in World Cup finals
16 March 2003Peace March
15 March 2003Dinner at Giordana's
15 March 2003Crazy Dog
13 March 2003New Drinking Hole
13 March 2003Crystal Symphony
06 March 2003Thoughts from Moz
04 March 2003Entertainment For Your Whole Mouth
03 March 2003Peace Corps Anniversary
03 March 2003Peace Boat in Harbor
28 February 2003ECG
26 February 2003Things That Go Feto'ai in the Night
15 February 2003But Seriously Folks
31 January 2003Black Beans
22 January 2003Arachnophobia
10 January 2003My Fanau
20 December 2002Jesus of Apia
19 December 2002Dog Bites Man
06 December 2002Tupu Mata Piniki
05 December 2002International Volunteer Day
11 November 2002ANZ Bank
22 October 20021st Full Day in the Village
12 October 2002Depart for LAX
12 October 2002Movable Type is Up Running
09 October 2002Goodbye to Saab
30 July 2002Good news