20 May 2005Critters
He's Likes the Flavored Stuff
In the last few months I've been catching drinking out of the sink, the toilet and even the track that the shower sits in. Every time, I think, fuck I must be out of water. I grab him, go to the fridge, pull out the Brita jug and head to the cat's water bowl. It's almost always full. It's full because I keep it full. I put Mak down in front of their bowl, but he doesn't drink. I hold him there so he understands he's in front of a clean bowl of water, but he just quirms away. How did I get this fakakta cat in my life?
Posted by andrew at May 20, 2005 08:25 AM
Thanks for the scientific explanation. Now I understand.
seriously, cats sometimes like water they can smell. I know that sounds gross but when my cat is sick with a stuffy nose, that's when she insists in drinking from the toilet. I think the Brita is too de-stink-ifying. Try tap water in the bowl.
I see your point and that would total sense to me, except my female cat, my "normal" cat, has no problem drinking the filtered water. Plus I don't really want them drinking the hard water that comes out of my tap.
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You have yourself a catus grotticus south pacificus.
They are characterized by an inherent dislike of clean water. Sadly, they are not as rare as you would think.