
Thanks for dropping by "American Idle". Leave a message to let me know who you are and what you think.

tofa soifua,



Hilo Says:
Hey Andrew, Just wanted to say hello. I tried to send you an e-mail (group e-mail) and I seem to be blocked again. I guess you really don't want me e-mailing you. I love the picture your took of the remaining members of Group 66. thanks for posting it. I have enjoyed reading your website. I plan on reading the whole thing one of these days. I am totally impressed. Take care, Hope work is getting better. Hilo
September 2, 2003 11:54 PM
Ana Says:
Dear Andrew; I linked up to your site after coming across Kris'. I have enjoyed both of your sites immensely. I lived for many years amongst Hawaiians. I also spent some time in the Marshall Islands and have traveled to many places in the Pacific, including the Samoas. You will be forever changed from your experiences overseas. The U.S. would be a better nation if everyone had to live/work outside it for a couple of years. There wouldn't be so much whining, for one thing. Don't be discouraged if you cannot accomplish what you hope to during your stay. Your time there could never be considered a waste because of all the life experiences you will take home with you. Endeavor. Ana
September 6, 2003 04:21 PM
sita Says:
hi anetelu - i check your site regularly to remind me of when i was sita, and not jessica. tell 69 that i said malo and to email me once in a while. america is the land of terror alerts and the terminator running for governor. enjoy samoa for as long as you can!
September 16, 2003 04:33 PM
Kalapu Says:
Interesting. You seem to live a very nice life there. Somewhat isolated from the lives of average samoans perhaps. But maybe that's because a lot of what you do is computer related and can be done in an atmosphere that allows you to shut out the everyday life of Apia. I think you copped out on the Lefaga project. But that's just my opinion. Hot boxes, for the computers might have dealt with the environment. Would have been a great chance to figure out how to keep boxes running in a village atmosphere. That would have been a major accomplishment. The teaching will probably be the best thing you do. At least you are interacting with a lot of people. The web site is nice, but if you don't train someone in country how to manage it its just as bs as the undp and fao stuff. Up in smoke the day you walk out. I did many years of time in Samoa. Probably rank in the top twenty of yoyo extendee's who stayed around. I've been there, I've lived it. Somehow I think you are missing the point. The other fellow who blogs seems to be living in country. You seem to be country living. I think you confused the Movie with the actual experience. Good luck, the place has a way of humbling the best laid plans. Watch out for the blind sider. Soifua, Kalapu
September 18, 2003 09:03 PM
Erik "Olu" Husoe Says:
Great website! Like the way you put it together. Keep up the good work there in Samoa.
September 23, 2003 12:13 PM
amy Says:
i wrote you before, how do you afford your lifestyle? i'm very jealous of all your travel
November 20, 2003 06:41 PM
Chris Says:
Ursula (of "Ursula's Not So Secret History") mentioned American Idle on her blog and after reading your toughts about "Diner," I immediately placed you on my blog links. Outstanding job. Great blog, and wonderful blog name, I might add. Keep up the great work.
December 19, 2003 05:42 AM
oceanteine Says:
Ua galo ia te au le manaia o lau website a lii Anetelu. I forgot how great this site is, i smack myself for not visiting more often! Keep it going are the kitties fairing in the great US of A?
January 16, 2004 06:46 AM
Alex Says:
Talofa, Your photo galleries are making me homesick! Which is good when I think of the beaches and the wonderful people, not so good with the memories of eleni and pisupo... but it was all worth it. Faafetai tele lava- Alesi (group 57)
May 2, 2004 05:41 PM
Charles Copley Says:
Awesome website dude- How do you set it up so well- I spent ages looking at options and then finally gave up on the website idea and went for just straight photos. Anyway hope alls good, sounds like you're having as good a time as any. Better than me sitting looking at Quantum Physics!! Cheers Charlie
May 17, 2004 09:51 PM
Phil Says:
I was a PCV in the Caribbean probably before you were born (served 69 to 71). Used to suffer from serious culture shock in those days, got into shortwave radio. How times have changed with blogs and the internet!
May 19, 2004 03:48 PM
Andrew Writes:
Nah, I was born in 70.
January 19, 2006 07:52 PM

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