25 May 2005Media
PBS Under Attack

I am huge consumer of PBS. I'm a member of the local PBS station in the Bay Area KQED. I listen to NPR like a fiend. I get most of my TV news from Jim Lehrer. I feel that it's a great service to America, especially now at time when media polarization is such a problem and become so extreme.

However there is a move that's been in the works for a few years by the Bush administration to covertly turn PBS television into another spoke on the wheel of the Republican Noise Machine. Ken Auletta has written a New Yorker expose called Big Bird Flies Right about how conservatives, who once tried to crush the Corporation for Public Broadcasting under the Nixon and Reagan administrations and through the Gingrich "Contract on America", have now embraced PBS as yet another conduit for their message.

Conservatives have long pounded their phony "liberal bias" hammer on the PBS door. Basically they found out that Americans actually love PBS and according to a Corporation for Public Broadcasting survey, "the majority of the U.S. adult population does not believe that the news and information programming on public broadcasting is biased." So when politicians seriously threaten public funding of the CPB, they are often tossed out of office. But conservatives wanted to control the public airwaves so they have changed their tactics from siege from without to an insurgency from within.

Bill Moyers, who helped craft the Public Broadcasting Act in 1967 when he was an advisor to the Johnson administration, and has long been part of the PBS programming is gone, replaced by the conservative voice of CNN's Crossfire talking head Tucker Carlson and Wall Street Journal editorial-page editor Paul Gigot. Both of these pundits have loud megaphones in their regular jobs, reaching a far greater audience then they ever will through PBS. This flies in the face of the PBS mission to serve the underserved. That aside, PBS has no counterparts for these two shows on the progressive side of the political spectrum. Nothing.

These changes have come under the auspices of CPB chairman Kenneth Tomlinson. Now Tomlinson was appointed to the job by Clinton and did a very fine job of maintaining PBS's balance with objectivity as you might expect from someone with his journalism background. That is until Bush came along. Tomlinson just happens to be really good friends with Karl Rove, and Karl is not going to let something like the public trust get in the way of wallpapering the media landscape with the conservative agenda.

Tomlinson has appointed two "ombudsmen" to oversee programming at PBS. Why there needs to be two is a matter of debate, but it clearly undermines the tradition of a single impartial observer that most ombudsmen represent. But the two appointees, Ken Bode and William Schulz, are hardly impartial. Bode, a former NBC and CNN reporter, most recently worked as a columnist for the Indianapolis Star, where readers often wrote angry letters deriding him as a liberal, though he endorsed a Republican last year for governor of Indiana. While Bode alone would make a decent ombudsman, alongside Schulz, an avowed conservative and former editor at Reader's Digest, they represent a tag team joke whose mission can only be to ensure that PBS toes a right wing line.

This is hardly Tomlinson's most egregious indiscretion. Recently Reps. David Obey (D-WI), and John Dingel (D-MI), asked the CPB's inspector general to investigate whether Tomlinson overstepped the law by secretly hiring a consultant, at a cost of $10,000, to monitor the weekly PBS news program "Now With Bill Moyers" for liberal bias. The Democrats want a determination of whether Tomlinson violated the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, which "prohibits interference by Federal officials over the content and distribution of public programming" and the application of political litmus tests in hiring decisions. Interestingly, Tomlison has refused to reveal the results of his secret investigation, which I suspect, don't support his case that NOW was in fact biased one way or the other.

For his part, Moyers, who retired from NOW after staying on to cover post 9/11 issues, has blasted Tomlinson, accusing him of trying to silence journalists who ask tough questions, saying, "That's because the one thing they loathe more than liberals is the truth. And the quickest way to be damned by them as liberal is to tell the truth."

In the midst of these battles, Media Matters founder David Brock, right wing journalistic hitman turned progressive media watchdog, has launched a campaign for conservatives to keep their mitts off PBS. It's amazing to me that the same guy that unleashed the faux "Troopegate" story that directly to the Special Investigor and to the impeachment of Bill Clinton is now a crusader on the left for accuracy in media, but there it is. You can read all about his conversion from the dark side in .

So if you care at all about PBS, NPR or public broadcasting in general, you take action, call you station and .

Posted by andrew at May 25, 2005 11:41 AM


doug Says:
Conservatives have long pounded their phony "liberal bias" hammer on the PBS door.


Anybody with a rational mind can see that PBS has a liberal bias, just like FoxNews has a conservative bias. Why can't you admit that?

Basically they found out that Americans actually love PBS...

Which is why soooo many Americans watch it.

...and according to a Corporation for Public Broadcasting survey, "the majority of the U.S. adult population does not believe that the news and information programming on public broadcasting is biased."

So I assume you would accept a survey by FoxNews saying the same thing about their network?

C'mon, get real man!

May 26, 2005 01:29 AM
Andrew Writes:


There's no way any person with objectivity can look at the programming PBS and FOX and say they equal opposites. Show me where the liberal bias exists on PBS instead of backing the claim without any evidence, and I'll take you seriously. Does Jim Laher have a liberal bias? I don't think so. It's why he tends to moderate presidential debates and Brit Hume does not and never will. Does it exist on Tucker Carlson Unfiltered, The The Journal Editorial Report, Washington Week in Review, The MacLaughlin Group, Sesame Street? You're going to talk about NOW. That's fine. I even had a problem with the show when Moyers was acting as both journalist and commentator. That should never happen. But he's not on the show anymore. Also ask yourself about why Tomlinson commissioned a secret report to expose the liberal bias, not of PBS, but of that one show, and then refused to reveal the results. It couldn't possibly have been becasue the results didn't support his hypothesis, could it now?

We know, however, that there is a bias on Fox. Shows like Beltway Boys, The Factor, Hannity and Colmes are the more extreme examples, but you can see it anytime you watch Brit Hume, Neil Cavuto and all the rest of their on air personalities.

Fox might claim to be "fair and "balanced" but it's hardly objective. It has reporters cheerleading for the administration which is not the job of the media. The media exists in a democracy to keep citizens informed. Fox is little more than a propoganda spin machine keeping people uniformed. All you have to is look at the number of Americans who thought before the election that there was a connection between the attacks on 9/11 and Saddam Hussein and understand that they great bulk of those people have Fox as their only news source. These people did not get their news from PBS.

You might read a story on the bias of PBS put on the wire by UPI and published in the Washington Times like this:

But it hard to take either of these organs, both owned by the Moonie Unification Church seriously.

As far as the survey is concerned. the difference between one by FoxNews and the CPB is that there is a moat of separation between the CPB and the PBS stations. The CPB does not control any of the stations in the PBS network. It does not control their progamming. It does not control their staffing. It only controls the money that Congress allocates. Additionally, and not incidentally this survey was comission by Kenneth Tomlinson, the head of the CPB who is trying to put forward his claim of liberal bias. The results of the survey were the exact opposite of his pre-determined hypothesis.

From the LA Times: "However, polls have repeatedly found that the majority of Americans view public broadcasting as impartial and balanced." (May 25th) Is the LA Times Biased?

So, Doug, show me any bias on PBS that is as pervasive as what anyone can see on FOX at any hour of the day and I'll believe you.

May 26, 2005 08:12 AM
Andrew Writes:

Oh, and Doug, if no American watch PBS, why do you care?

May 26, 2005 08:16 AM
doug Says:
Oh, and Doug, if no American watch PBS, why do you care?

Because my taxes are paying for it.

And if we can agree that very few people watch PBS, then the obvious question is: why is the government paying for it?

May 27, 2005 07:38 PM
Andrew Writes:

I was being facetious Doug. It's funny that one thing I was joking about is what you picked up to comment on while ignoring every other substantive point. Sure, fewer people watch PBS than they did when the only other option was the Big Three. All ratings have gone down as a result of the emergence of cable.

But PBS is still very relevant has a significant audience. In fact, half the money to run all the PBS stations is paid for by members. I guarantee you that the combined viewership of all the PBS stations around the country is far greater than either FOX, MSNBC or CNN. Just have a look at this article:

90">http://www.suntimes.com/output/otherviews/cst-edt-ref18.html">90 million weekly PBS viewers prove Will wrong

Here's the relevant quote:

"PBS ratings are consistently higher than any cable channel on any night. Nearly 90 million people watch public television each week, up 10 percent from the same time last year."

Compelling, eh?

May 28, 2005 11:48 AM

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