06 January 2004Musings
Ask Your Doctor About Zastudil

What is with these drugs commercials? Lipitor. Vioxx. Lavitra. They are everywhere and they are so silly. Some guy, usually a former professional football coach is telling you to ask your doctor about some drug and you have no idea what the drug is for because the commercial doesn't say anything about it. Can you the imagine the questions that doctors must have to field daily about this shit? Um, excuse me, doc, but I was wondering, do you think Zastudil is right for me?

The pharm commericals with the side effect lisitings at the end of the commercial was bad enough but these are just plain horrible ("women who are or may potential become pregnant should not even look at these pills"). I understand that pharm companies are in business to make a profit, but one of the major reasons the cost of drugs is so high and that so many people in this country, the weathiest in the history of the world, are without health insurance is because of the enormous cost of marketing these drugs.

Spending money on R&D is one thing. No one would complain about absorbing the costs of research and development of new remedies, but to pay for commericals like the ones Americans are subject to every day is absurd and should be against the law.

In case you were wondering, Zastudil is the last name of the punter for the Baltimore Ravens. Doesn't it sound like it should be a drug?

Posted by andrew at January 6, 2004 10:21 PM


Pad Says:

I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't say who Zastudil was. It would have been hilarious to see someone come into the comments all righteous because you dissed the Ravens....

But seriously, another aspect of the high drug trend is that people are insisting on name brand drugs that they heard of through direct marketing, and then they are coming back when the name brand drug doesn't cure them, which they would have found out if they had taken their doctor's advice and not gotten unnecessary drugs!

PS -- I found you through JenBen.info.

January 8, 2004 09:30 AM
Michael Zastudil Says:

I don't see what is so funny.

Zastudil doesn't sound like a drug to me. It is of Czechoslovakian descent.

-Michael Zastudil

April 18, 2005 11:55 AM
Andrew Writes:

Gee, I wonder why you don't find that funny? Maybe, I don't know, because you don't have a sense of humor? Relax, it's just a name, Michael.

April 18, 2005 11:58 AM
Andy Zastudil Says:

It doesn't sound like a drug to me either.

Andy Zastudil

August 4, 2005 02:47 PM
Andrew Writes:

Sorry you feel that way, but it does to just about everyone I've talked to not named Zastudil.

August 4, 2005 05:07 PM

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