02 May 2005Critters
He's OK

Just to let know that Mak is 100% fine, having suffered no obvious damage after his harrowing 35 foot fall from the roof my building. Other than showing little inclination to go outside, he's little changed at all, and back to his cuddly, crazy self. The only difference is that thanks to his hijinks, I'm 100 dollars lighter in the wallet.

Posted by andrew at May 2, 2005 11:27 PM


J. Says:

$100 is just the start. Consider it a warm up to the fleecing you will recieve during the lives of your cats.
By the way, when I saw your balcony and saw your cats up there I could already see one of them going over. I'd have never let them out (not that I'm blaming you at all). It's just way too risky.

They're going to cost you. Boy are they going to cost you ;-)

May 4, 2005 05:47 PM

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