24 July 2003News
Father of Siva Afi Dies

Father of fire-knife dance dies
By Terry Tavita
24 July 2003

The man credited as the father of the fire knife dance, ailao afi, has passed away peacefully in Hawai’i.

American Samoa paramount chief Olo Letuli, 84, was a close friend of the Head of State, His Highness Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II.

A former Senator and a successful businessman, Olo, as he is commonly known, arguably was the first to add fire to the traditional Samoan ailao(knife dance).

As the story goes, Olo, in his days as a young entertainer, did this at a performance in Hawai’i in 1946 because he was bored with his routine.

The ailao, a fierce traditional dance that involves the constant twirling of the adze-like weapon, nifo oti, was a pre-war ritual to psyche up warriors.


The ailao afi, with the addition of fire at both sides of the nifo oti, has since become the highlight of Pacific Islands floor shows and a distinct feature of Samoan entertainment.

In recognition of the daring skills required of fire-knife dancers and its potential as a crowd-puller, O’ahu’s Polynesian Cultural Center established the World Fire Knife Dance Competition.

Now in its 10th year, it has become a calendar event in the state of Hawaii and invites ailao afi dancers from around the world to show their moves.


Over the years, Olo and His Highness have become the best of friends.

The Head of State, when he visits American Samoa, always stayed with his friend Olo despite accommodation arranged by the territorial government there.

Vice versa, Olo is a regular guest at the Head of State’s home when he visits.

According to Papali’itele Audrey Malietoa, His Highness’s Secretary, the Head of State has taken his friend’s death as something that happens.

“He realises that life goes on,” she said.

Olo’s body is expected to be returned to American Samoa for burial. Papali’itele said that currently no plans have been made for His Highness to attend the funeral.

She said the Head of State, who is 90, remains in good health.

Olo Letuli is survived by his wife Pat, five children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Posted by andrew at July 24, 2003 07:03 PM


ponita laussen Says:

This is my grandfather......may he rest in peace and be remebered in the siva ailao afi.

July 8, 2005 02:09 PM

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