06 May 2004Critters
Squirrel Threat Level: Elevated

Squirrel Threat Level: Elevated


Since I moved back to California, I've already seen more wildlife here in the WC than I did in three months in Colorado. To be fair, I did see a wolf trying to steal burgers off our grill one night, which I would never see here. But just in this apartment I've seen a thief of a racoon sneaking into the complex and several ducks bathing in the pool (eat your heart out Tony Soprano).

The latest critters to catch our attention have been the squirrels that live in the trees across the street. Mak and Fil go nuts every time they see one of the rodents scurrying around. Everyone knows squirrels are a threat to national security in general and the integrity of this apartment specifically, so the kittens are natually on high alert, doing their part to keep America safe from rodentia.

Posted by andrew at May 6, 2004 01:41 AM


JenBen Says:

OMG that's a cute picture!

May 14, 2004 02:06 AM
JenBen Says:

OMG that's a cute picture!

May 14, 2004 02:08 AM
Andrew Says:

Mak can be adorable when he's not a complete pain in the tuchus.

May 14, 2004 02:16 AM

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