06 May 2005Photography
Flickr Crazy
I finally got around to posting some of my pics to my newly minted Pro Flickr account. Some of the pics have seen the brief light of day on this website, but many have not previously been published anywhere. There's the . My trips to and at the end of 2003. My stay in with my mom. I finally posted the from 2004 along with the lesser event from last weekend. Last but not least there's some shots from our end of season party up at the .
All these links are links to the slideshows, which is the best way on Flickr to see a lot of pictures in a very short period of time. This works really well with the Pond Skimming stuff. Just click on the link, set the timer to one second or whatever interval you want and the let the computer do the walking for you. If you see a pic you like or want to comment on, you can always pause the slideshow, open that particular image and then go right back into the slideshow where you left off. If you're not fond of the whole slideshow thing, you can find all my shots .
The next big project is to get all or most of the pictures that I have of online and together in one place. It's going to be a massive undertaking because I have hundreds of shots of them over the 2 and half years of their uberpampered lives.
I'm having great fun with Flickr. There are some problems, and it doesn't always work the way I want it to, it's mostly fun. One of the coolest things is that when you upload a picture Flickr captures the EXIF things like camera, exposure, aperture, ISO and whole host of other useful information. On the down side if you've modified your picture at in any kind of editing software, the metadata disappears. So, for example, you have which was taken in Cambodia with, get this, actual film, and digitally scanned into my computer, has no EXIF metadata. If I didn't change the date taken, Flickr would be under the impression that the date the shot was taken is the same date it was uploaded as it has done with from the 585 Ski Haus party which I resized.
It's not a big problem except that the metadata is cool, and I'd like to Flickr capture it, but I also like to take full resolution pictures. So basically it means that I use up a lot of bandwidth uploading large pictures just to retain EXIF metadata info, the most important of which is date taken so that Flickr will put them in the right order. Fortunately, I have some serious (or mad, as the kids would say) bandwidth with my Pro Flickr account. Thanks again, Kelly.
Posted by andrew at May 6, 2005 12:11 PM
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