06 May 2005Critters
Classic Filemu

Filemu with IusmuI love this shot. Not just because it's so cool, showing Fil as the quintessential hunting machine that she is, but also because it reminds of a different time and place, partly of my life, but mostly of the life of my cats when they were free to run around the jungle in which they were born and lived for the first year of their little lives.

My cats were not made to be under house arrest and I feel horrible keeping them cooped up in the apartment all day when they should be running around putting the fear of god into the local squirrel population and terrorizing the neighborhood strays like I know they badly want to.

Posted by andrew at May 6, 2005 01:16 PM


Ursula Says:

Umm, so did Fil eat it?

May 17, 2005 12:35 PM
Andrew Writes:

Yup. She played with it a long time and then scarfed it down.

May 17, 2005 02:24 PM

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