09 May 2005Photography
The Amazing Traveling Kitten Slideshow
It's still a work in progress, but I have a good chunk of my Mak & Fil images up on now. There are 610 shots taken from December 8th, 2002 until January 19th, 2005. I've taken quite a few since January and will them get up on the site sometime soon.
I still kick myself for not bringing my camera into the village when I first arrived in Samoa, so I have no pictures of Mak or Fil from their first few weeks of life. We were made so (unnecessarily) paranoid about thievery that everyone left anything with any intrinsic value locked up in Apia. It was really silly now that I look back on it.
Anyway, Flickr is really cool. One of the best things about it is that because it captures the EXIF data on photos when you upload them, it can put the shots in order that they were taken without any effort. So you can view the slideshow, see the earliest shots of Makelani and Filemu in Samoa and watch them as they grow and move from Matautu in southern Upolu where they adopted me to Apia where I stayed while I waited for training to end to Fagali'i where I lived for most of the year I was in Samoa to Sedona where I briefly stayed before I moved on to Vail where I spent the winter skiing from January to April and finally to California. Hope you enjoy it.
****UPDATE**** I've finished uploading most of the pictures and now there's more than 1200. I know that's insane, but most of the pictures were taken when I lived in Samoa, when, let's be honest here, I had little else to do but take pictures of my cats when they were being cute which was a lot of the time.
Posted by andrew at May 9, 2005 05:08 PM
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