Photography Archives

27 May 2007The Art of Satay
" align="left" alt="" class="image" /> I first ate satay at this street side vendor when I was in Bali in 2002. I stayed for 3 weeks just down the street in the Tebesaya section of Ubud and would pass...
27 May 2007Bangkok & Bali Photos...
...are now posted on Flikr in their new feature, called collections. This is something that users like me have been asking for, for a long time now. Sets of sets. So this set or collection has about 10 sets with...
22 May 2007Roger, You Tiger Now
I just got an email from some guy named Declan something or other who claims to work for FHM Australia and they want to buy and print a few of my images from Marineworld. How cool is that?...
27 February 2007On Top of the World!
In Whistler, courtesy of Mariah...
27 February 2007Dark Skies with Subarus
09 December 2006Memorial Controversy?
I first heard about the memorial on NPR and it was just strange to hear a news story about something so close in a town I pass all the time. The jist of the storaty was not that the memorial...
30 November 2006Fil and the IKEA Lamp
15 November 2006Yosemite Trip
I finally sorted through my Yosemite photos and posted them on Flickr. It was a great trip. we stayed at the historic Wawona Hotel in the southwest part of the park where I had never been before. Not exactly roughing-it,...
11 November 2006Highway 24
06 October 2006Half Dome on Cloudy Day
25 June 2006City of the Dead
Photos of the incomparable Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris are up now. The place is simply amazing. I walked around for 3 hours in the rain on the ankle breaking cobble stones streets that connect up the dozens of districts,...
16 June 2006Lots of New Pics
Still haven't had time to post, but I have tons of new pictures going up as I write this. I'm about to go out and meet Jack, one of my old friends from Melbourne. I went to his birthday party...
29 May 2006Belly Dancer of the Year 2006
The finals were yesterday. Still trying to get the pics online. I would have it done, except, well, for a minor accident last night. Nadira from Seatle, who I thought should have won last year, took home the title. Everyone...
25 April 2006Stolen
I don't think I've ever been the victim of copyright infringement, as far as I know., until today. At least I found out about it today. I was searching around on Technorati and I found a site that was supposedly...
14 April 2006Flying at Alpine
I was skiing down for one of the last run's of the day last Saturday at Alpine Meadow. I stopped to wait for the girls I was skiing with and I came across these two kids who had built a...
03 April 2006Perfect Corduroy
The reward for waking up at 7am and getting on the mountain when the lifts open. I wish I could ski this stuff all day every day....
06 March 2006Morning Ritual
23 January 2006Reason #183 Why I Love Santa Cruz
More here....
19 January 2006Portrait of Cambodia
After some fits and starts, some trouble with the weather (it's been raining like crazy here) and a nightmare hanging the frames on the convex wall of my gym, the Portrait of Cambodia show is open and ready for viewing....
15 January 2006Mixup at the Plant
So today was the day that my show was supposed to start at the Ironworks gym. I was psyched. I dropped a load of cash to get my shots printed and framed professionally. They looked awesome. But when I brought...
13 January 2006Getting Ready for the Show
"Smile" by Andrew Hecht...
09 January 2006The High Cost of Doing Business
I have a show of my Cambodia shots coming up in the middle of this month. It's not a big deal. It's not at a gallery. It's not a coffee shop. It's at my gym. And while there are good...
08 January 2006Interestingness: A New Addiciton
As I delve further into Flickr and expore the millios of photos on the site, it's hard not to be impressed by the incredible talent by the thousands of photographers who choose to share their work with the rest of...
05 January 2006Role Reversal
It almost never happens like this. Fil is always the one taking care of Mak, and rightly so. Mak needs round the clock care. But it did happen and I have it all documented here....
03 January 2006What Can I Say? She's a Head Hugging Freak.
More photos of Fil taken this morning with my 10D....
24 December 2005Mobloggin'
I picked up a Motorola Razr last week when my previously trusty Nokia 3360 suddenly died. I've been playing around with it and I've finally got some of the features figured out. The phone has a camera. Not great quality....
19 December 2005CR Shots
The photos from Costa Rica are up on Flickr. Hopefully some stories will come soon if I'm not too lazy (god, damn, I'm feeling fucking lazy)...
17 November 2005Concord Flea Market
Shots from around the Concord Flea Market last weekend. All taken in the early morning around 8am before the sun rose and the light became too harsh to shoot....
16 November 2005A Show for Andrew
For years now I've admired the photographs that are on display at my gym - Ironworks - in Berkeley. The artists rotate every month and there has been some great work from natural landscapes, to action climbing (it's an indoor...
14 November 2005Portrait of a Blogger as a Young Man
I was going through some of my old photos and I came across this shot taken of me by my friend Peter Townshend on the Metro in Paris in 1989. 19 years old. First time in Paris--First time in Europe....
09 November 2005Cambodia Retrospective
My company is hosting and Arts & Crafts Fair today and I'm showing some of my portraits from Cambodia. It's no big deal other than it marks a milestone for me in getting off my ass, spending some cash and...
10 October 2005Swimming White Bengal
More here....
11 September 2005Jen & the Jellyfish
26 August 2005Independence Hall
It's amazing to walk around downtown Philadelphia and come across a sign that reads, this is where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Don't get much stuff like that out here in California....
24 July 2005Foggy Golden Gate
15 June 2005Escape From Alcatraz 2005
Again I was assigned by Brightroom to shoot the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. Last year it was beautiful sunny day in the city, but my assignment to shoot runners crossing the finish line, was a joke. This...
01 June 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day Two)
I finally put the images from the Pageant finals online. You can find them here. Personally, I think, because there are so many shots, over 800, it's best to view the slideshow. Just click on the slideshow link, set the...
29 May 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day One)
While most Americans are traveling, camping, having backyard barbeques and drinking themselves into a three day slumber on Memorial Day Weekend, a small but enthusiastic group of belly dancers have been meeting in Northern California for the past 32 years...
27 May 2005Fil in the Early Morning Alameda Sun
If you look closely (or at the original shot), you can see a reflection of me taking this shot in Fil's left eye. Pretty cool. This pic and a whole lot more posted on Flickr....
09 May 2005The Amazing Traveling Kitten Slideshow
It's still a work in progress, but I have a good chunk of my Mak & Fil images up on Flickr now. There are 610 shots taken from December 8th, 2002 until January 19th, 2005. I've taken quite a few...
06 May 2005Flickr Crazy
.zg_div {margin:0px 5px 5px 0px; width:117px;} .zg_div_inner { color:#666666; text-align:center; font-family:arial, helvetica; font-size:11px;} .zg_div a, .zg_div a:hover, .zg_div a:visited {color:#660033; background:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important;} zg_insert_badge = function() { var zg_bg_color = 'ffffff'; var zgi_url = ''+zg_bg_color+'&zg_person_id=77392231%40N00&zg_set_id=306303&zg_context=in%2Fset-306303%2F'; document.write(''); if (document.getElementById)...
29 April 2005Hummingbird
I was walking in the parking garage from my car to the elevator when I crossed paths with this woman coming from the opposite direction who was looking at me funny like she wanted to say something, like "hello", but...
20 April 2005Pro Flickr in The Mutherfucking House, Yo!
Thanks to the incredible generosity of my online buddy Kelly in Virginia, I now have a Pro Flickr account which means I'm no longer limited to 100 pictures or three sets, at least for the next year. So I've got...
01 April 2005More Fun With Flickr
I've been playing around with Flickr for a few weeks now. I haven't added any new pictures since I reached my limit of 100 with the free site. But it has rekindled my interest in digitally archiving all my photos....
11 March 2005Classic Mak & Fil
08 March 2005Fun with Flickr
var zg_nsids = '77392231@N00'; I've had a Flickr account for ages, but I only recently started putting images up there. I suppose having a massive hard drive failure leads me to putting images up on someone else's "safe" server....
02 March 2005Emeryville Freight Train
22 February 2005Looking Down On Creation
I was surfing the web looking at pictures of The Gates here and here. In my travels around the web looking at Christo and Jean Claude's creation, I came across this recent picture of Central Park taken from space. The...
21 January 2005Mak in Drawer
17 January 2005Honoring Dr. King
Every year when Martin Luther King, Jr. day rolls around, I can't help thinking about comedian Steve White talking about white supremacists not wanting to celebrate MLK day. Basically he said, you've got to be racist as hell not to...
19 December 2004The Happy Family
My sister Marni, her husband Paris and my nephew Mateo just before they left the hospital for home....
19 December 2004My Dad and His Grandson
Mateo is my dad's first grandson. He hasn't forgotten how to hold a baby. Of course, he does have his own 9-year old twins....
16 December 2004The Many Faces of Mateo Deshong
16 December 2004Marni & Mateo
Many more pictures to come....
10 December 2004Best Friends
12 November 2004Makelani on the Shower Door
02 November 2004Election Day Photos
02 November 2004This is Really Disturbing if True
An Election Spoiled Rotten By Greg Palast It's not even Election Day yet, and the Kerry-Edwards campaign is already down by a almost a million votes. That's because, in important states like Ohio, Florida and New Mexico, voter names...
05 July 2004Wave Spinner
03 July 2004Saturn is Cool
I don't care who you are or what you do, but you can't help be impressed by the images that are coming back from Cassini. They are awesome. They are beautiful. They are also very expensive. If you think your...
18 June 2004Cambodia Resurrected
The long lost images from my October 2001 trip to Cambodia are back online after several years of languishing in the digital wilderness. What happened? Well, first of all, I put the site up on Geocities. Each Geocities site is...
07 June 2004Alcatraz Mess
The year before I left for the Peace Corps, I photographed a little triathlon in San Francisco which about 300 contestants that took place on the same landscape on which the famous Escape from Alcatraz is run. It prepared me...
05 June 2004Escape from Alcatraz
Tomorrow I'm going to shoot the "Escape from Alcatraz" Triathlon in San Francisco. According the Brightroom assignment sheet, this event is one of only three triathlons that is televised on nationally & is considered the most prestegious non IronMan...
05 June 2004In Robert Mondavi's John
05 June 2004Napa
03 June 2004Gratuitous Kitten Shot
15 May 2004Napa Valley Triathlon
So the shoot with Brightroom at the Napa Valley Triathlon went well. I had to leave to at 5am to get up there in time for the race, but I was done at 1030, which is the way it should...
15 May 2004Low Light with the 10D
Jen was dancing last night at Amira, a restaurant in the Mission district in SF. I brought the 10D along and since the restaurant was mostly empty, I was able to take a few pictures without getting in the way...
13 May 2004Gig with Brightroom
Brightroom is a company I've worked with before. They shoot road races and triathlons all around the country. But now they've gone totally digital, hence the reason for the 10D purchase (it's not really a toy, in fact, it's tax...
12 May 2004New Toy
After waiting all day for the FedEx man to arrive, I was thrilled to take possession of my new toy, a Canon 10D. Whoo-hooo! The Canon 10D is sort of a mid-range digital SLR. It's what we were using at...
07 May 2004Return to Action Shooters
I shot baseball, soccer and softball tournaments for Action Shooters in the 9 months or so before I left for the Peace Corps. It's hard to believe, but I'm back working for them again. I guess I need the money....
15 April 2004Caption Contest
Can you caption this photo? The winner gets a year supply of pisupo* and the undying admiration of your peers. *since no one should eat pisupo, a year's supply consititues zero cans...
11 April 2004Air Oly
Today wasn't a busy day on the mountain, being Easter and all. So instead of shooting patrons, we spent a good chunk of the day taking shots of each other. I went out in the afternoon with my fellow...
24 January 2004Adios, Helmut
The era of big nudes is over....
19 January 2004Vail, There's No Comparison
Tomorrow I'm leaving to take a job as an on-mountain photographer at Vail, America's finest ski resort (or so they claim). This is something of dream job for me. It's very exciting and I can't wait to get there and...
28 November 2003If Your Pictures Aren't Good Enough, You're Not Close Enough...
I recently saw War Photographer, a documentary about one of my personal heroes, James Nachtwey, considered by many the greatest war photographer ever. The film was both moving and incredibly disturbing, but having pored over Natchwey's photos, I was expecting...
03 November 2003New York Flowers
24 October 2003The Jews of Vishniac
While my brother and I waited for our time slot to go up the Washington Monument, we visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I knew it was going to be upseting. It's one of the most depressing places on...
22 October 2003Tools of the Trade (SLR envy)
Today I went to the National Museum of American History, part of the massive Smithsonian. This is where you'll find things like Archie Bunker's chair and Lincoln's top hat and other pieces of Americana. The most interesting exhibit to me...
19 October 2003The Capitol
02 October 2003Apia Dusk
01 October 2003Makelani Demonstrates Safe Packing Procedures for Felines
27 September 2003John Walder Photography
If you want to see some wickedly good images of life in New York City, surf over to John Walder Photography. John is one of the most talented people I know. Then again, I don't really know that many...
23 September 2003Sunset from Fagali'i
23 September 2003Jen in Apia
19 September 2003Lady Samoa II
27 August 2003Coke Girl
14 August 2003Flowers at the Bus Stop
14 August 2003School Girls
14 August 2003Filemu Montage
05 July 2003Sunset from Bus