Work Archives

19 December 2006Trip Down Amnesia Lane
I was recently asked about some of the work I did while at Electronic Arts so I started poking around the Internet Archive to see what was stored in there and I came across the site for NBA Street which...
29 November 2006Conundrum
Yesterday I received a $500 award for excellence at work. It's the second one I've received in the last 2 months. It feels pretty good to be recognized, even better to get 500 bucks for doing nothing more than what...
25 May 2006Europe in June
I'm headed to Europe for work for almost the entire month of June. I'm leaving June 2nd. Spending the weekend in London. Working a few days in Oxford. Heading over to Paris to meet with some colleagues. Flying to Basel...
20 April 2006Day 1
Today is that day that my company has been officially swallowed up by a huge Swiss pharmacuetcal company. Lots of changes are afoot. Many people at the corporate level will be made "redundant". One of our divisions is being absorbed...
31 October 2005Trick or Treat?
MarketWatch: Novartis to buy Chiron for $5.1 bln Reuters: Novartis agrees $5bln bid for rest of Chiron Forbes: Novartis Spends $5.1B For Rest Of Chiron...
09 September 2005Year One
Amazingly today marks my one year anniversary at Chiron. Seems like I just started there. Time flies when you're making money, I guess....
20 August 2005Back East
I'm off the Philadelphia for a week of lovely SAP portal training followed by a weekend in DC visiting my brother. Hard to believe but this will be the first time I've been on a plane in almost two years...
11 August 2005It's Official
I signed the papers today and on Monday, I return my status as a full- time slave to the corporate machine. Ironically, I'm making the make exact same salary I was at the time I left Electronic Arts in 2001....
16 March 2005Job in CT?
I got an email this morning from a recruiter looking for an interactive producer for some company in Connecticut. What would it take for me to accept a job in CT? I don't think there's an offer in the world...
14 March 2005New Career Path?
This solicitation arrived in my inbox the other day: Dear Andrew, We have reviewed your resume on, and if you are interested in pursuing a career in teaching Latin or Greek, we encourage you to complete our online candidate...