Religion Archives

24 December 2006Christmastime For the Jews
Daily Show reruns are dancing in my head! Thanks for the link, Bri....
19 December 2006Want to Become an Atheist?
Here's a good chance. Just have a listen to Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins, author most recently of the God Delusion. I caught the tail end of his appearance on City Arts & Lectures on my way home from work, but...
19 December 2006This Explains So Much*
Why they deny the Holocaust On top of nearly constant anti-Semitic propaganda, much of the Muslim world hasn't even heard of it. By Ayaan Hirsi Ali AYAAN HIRSI ALI, a Somali immigrant who served in the parliament of the Netherlands...
11 December 2006Sam Harris is a God*
More than 50% of Americans have a "negative" or "highly negative" view of people who don't believe in God. 70% think it important for presidential candidates to be "strongly religious." "A person who believes that Elvis is still alive is...
19 April 2005Kinder, Gentler Vatican?
My buddy Peter writes: So, in an effort to reach out to new constituencies and bridge the growing divide between Catholic fundametalists and everyone else, the Vatican cardinals have elected... a hard-liner former Nazi. Nicely done, fellows. It seems more...
19 April 2005The Pope is Dead, Long Live the Pope
A new pope has been elected. I'm listening to the coverage on NPR. The white smoke went up and the bells of St. Peter's started ringing about 50 minutes ago. The curtain on the balcony has opened. Three men are...
19 April 2005Good Money is on the Nigerian to Win
Want to get some action on the conclave? Just head over to, check out the odds, the candidates, fill yourself in on the process and the history of papal elections. Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria is the front runner,...
28 March 2005Christian Mythology
You know how the ancient Greeks believed in the pantheon of gods? Zeus, Hera. Apollo. Athena. et al. For thousands of years, people built temples and worshipped at the altar of polytheism. And not just the Greeks. The Romans. The...
28 March 2005What Would Jesus Do?
He wouldn't fucking eat that ham steak for one thing....
28 March 2005Christian Jihad: Evolution Under Attack
I shouldn't be surprised as I watch the Christian Jihad in America weave its nefarious way from one aspect of society to another, but this "debate" over evolution is shocking. I just saw a report on the NewsHour about the...
27 March 2005Happy Resurrection, Jesus
It's a beautiful morning here in South Lake Tahoe. The sun is out. Ice is breaking up on the keys and water is flowing out to the lake. Canadian geese are flying around. I'm going to celebrate the resurrection, naturally,...
03 March 2005The Ten Commandments, The Man & You
The Supreme Court heard two cases yesterday, one from Texas and another from Kentucky, about whether or not it's constitutional to erect monuments to the Ten Commandments on government property. Personally, I don't see how anyone could be offended by...
01 February 2005Are You Ready For Some Rapture? or The Rapture Is Coming So Why Should I Bother To Make The Bed?
You might not be, but the folks at Rapture Ready certainly are ready. According to their calculations using "the prophetic speedometer of end-time activity", we're well above the 145 level which is "fasten your seat belts" territory. Jesus is gonna...
12 January 2005God and the Tsunami
Every once in while (more often these day's of Christian governance) you see something that makes you wonder how it's possible to have been born and live in the same country with some of my fellow Americans. I was surfing...
03 January 2005The West Wing
I love The West Wing. The reasons I love The West Wing is that the writing is so smart, the acting is so sharp and the cast preforms well as an ensemble. The show also deals with a myriad of...
20 October 2004God: The Ultimate Flip-Flopper
[File this under funny if it weren't so damn scary] There's this extraordinary story on CNN where the founder of the U.S. Christian Coalition Pat Robertson describes a conversation he had with George Bush prior to the start of the...
13 October 2004Kill Me Ambiguously
I'm an atheist so maybe you can understand why I can't justify the "conservative" position on abortion, stem cell research and the death penalty. Presumably they all come from the 6th Commandment, Thou Shall Not Kill. I get that. And...
20 August 2004What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is Going On Here?
The story of Iranian world champion judoka Arash Miresmaeili has been bothering me immensely since it broke at the beginning of these games. What's bothering me is not that this guy, the world champion by the way, disqualified himself by...
01 April 2004A Major Decision
Most of you know that I have been lucky enough to travel extensively around the world. During my travels, I have spent lots of time in muslim countries. I've been to Indonesia several times, Malaysia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey....
25 February 2004Note to Catholic Readers
Hey, everybody, it's Ash Wednesday (as if you didn't know with the celebrated release of the Mel Gibson opus "The Passion of the Christ"). This means that it's the first day of Lent and time to give something up until...
30 October 2003So What if the Jews Killed Jesus?
I'm not saying they did or they didn't (but we all know they didn't). What I am saying is, "So what?" I had this epiphany when I was at the holocaust museum in DC the other day. I was watching...