Random Archives

13 April 2005Greek Naming Challenge
If you were to name an information related project with a Greek name from mythology, history or literature, what would you call it? I initially thought of Hermes, the God of Information, but that's too obvious. It should be something...
07 March 2005Yes, You Can Raed It
Take that, Sarah B. Hickman, you callous bitch! I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr...
05 August 2004Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean Someone Is Not Trying to Kill You
This afternoon, the phone rang. I picked it up. The voice on the other side said, "Can I speak to Andrew." I said, "This is Andrew." Then the phone went dead. And then nothing. No call back to say something...
30 June 2003What is Wrong With These People?
My brother sent me this picture today. Have a look at it and tell me what, if anything, you see in there. Now read the caption from Yahoo: Tens of thousands of people have come over the last several days...
15 April 2003Tax Day
Well, April 15th is here and I, umm, don't have my taxes done. Not a big deal since people living overseas have an extra 2 months to file without penalty. I am missing some vital documents, that are going to...
09 April 2003Te Vaka Never to Return
I heard a news story today on the radio that the amazing Samoan/Tokelauan music group Te Vaka will never again return to the shores of Samoa to perform. The reason given: It's just too expensive for them to lug their...
29 March 2003Woken Up By Quake
Usually I get woken up with a face full of kitten whiskers. This morning I jolted upright out of bed as my entire fale was shaking around 6 in the morning. We've had a few quakes since we arrived in...
15 March 2003Crazy Dog
I'll admit it. I'm scared of the dogs here. I've been bitten once. I've nearly been killed multiple times by dogs coming out of nowhere and attacking me while I'm on riding by on my bike. Today, when I was...