It Really Sucks When... Archives

19 May 2007Now That You're 50...
Ok, so I'm not 50. Not even close. But I did get an ivitation to join the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) that accused me of being 50. While it's flattering to be invited to join thier club with...
15 March 2007I'm a Threat to National Security
It really bothers me how reactive American airport security is. Some guy tries to bomb a plane with his shoes and now we all have to take off our shoes at security. There's some plot to bomb planes with some...
27 February 2007My Sysiphean Nightmare
When we woke in the morning on Sunday, the snow was coming down hard and the wind was hurtling gusts over 50 miles an hour against the side of the condo. It was a pretty easy decision not to ski....
03 January 2007You Crash Someone Else's Computer
My days of trying to fix other people's computers is over. I'm swearing it off. I will never touch anyone's computer with the aim to fix anything. It just isn't worth it. Case in point: I needed to use my...
02 January 2007You're Locked Out of the House
Last night I came home to my dad's place around 11pm and the front door was locked. The front door is never locked when I'm staying over. I don't have a key. Locked out. Normally, I'd ring the door bell...
18 December 2006It's Fricken Freezing
I woke up this morning and there was ice on my windshield. Not frost, but ice. I'm not adverse to the cold. I'm against this dry cold. If it's going to be this cold, it must snow....
10 December 2006You Can't Sleep
I've been sleeping reasonably well lately, but I have a long history of insomnia and tonight, it doesn't matter what I do or how long I toss and turn, I cannot get to sleep. It's such a curse. I don't...
17 June 2006You're All Wet
I had one of those mad dashes to the airport. I was out having Bangladeshi food in Brick Lane, East London. Finished in plenty of time to get back to the hotel, collect my bags and make Heatrow well before...
06 June 2006Another Reason to Hate George Bush
My brother, who is a huge Steelers fan, which makes sense, because like me, he grew up in a hard-working blue-collar steel working family in the heart of Pennsylvania, got an invite to the Steelers visit to the White House...
21 May 2006Under New Ownership
My large green piece of luggage, which has served me so well and which, like an idiot, I didn't put away right after I returned from New York, is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Filemu....
05 May 2006Pathetic Bush Legacy
The official team bus to be used by the United States during the World Cup will not bear a flag for security reasons. The 32 official buses were presented Thursday in Frankfurt and the other 31 buses have large national...
03 April 2006Double Eject
Anyone who skis with me knows that I don't fall. It's not because I don't ski hard. I do. It's because I know my limits and I'm always (or almost always) in balance. But on Saturday morning, I had the...
30 March 2006BART is Busted
I don't go into the city all that often. It's even rarely that I go in midweek. But I signed up for a marketing class with Berekeley Extension that started last night in downtown SF at 6:30. And when I...
27 December 2005Gift Confusion
What should you do when you get a gift from someone that is totally innapropriate from someone who should know better? Do you thank them and hope that you never get a gift like that again? Do you thank them...
11 November 2005Fucking Centipedes
I found a centipede in my shower yesterday morning. I couldn't believe it. At first I didn't know what it was. I just saw this brownish/black thing against the stark white floor of my shower. Was it a clump of...
03 June 2005There Goes The Neighborhood
This morning, before I went to the gym, I made a quick stop by the garbage to throw out the refuse from the litter box. I walked down the stairs and turned the corner and I could see someone standing...
17 April 2005You Ruin Your Laundry
Since I had a good idea that Russell and I were going to be only people up at the house this weekend, I decided it was time to pick up all the clothes that have lined my bedroom floor or...
03 March 2005Enter the Thought Police
Is this what happens when wingers run every branch of our government or this just the logical ad absurdum conclusion to the Justice Department's endless domestic War on Terror in post-Columbine America? Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening Says Incident A...
28 February 2005I Missed the Oscars
I'm not sure how to catorgize this post as. It could be "televsion", "cinema", "travel", or "I'm a complete idiot", but i'll go with "it really sucks when" because it really sucked. I skied Sunday at Kirkwood with Russell and...
20 February 2005You Get Flat on the Freeway
Yesterday I was going to my friend Michael's house and I got a flat. I was driving down the 101 and I heard that thump, thump, thump, thump coming from the right rear of the car. Fuck. I pulled over...
11 February 2005You Forget Your New Camera
I know I promised lots of pictures from Tahoe this weekend, but it's not going to happen, because like the idiot that I am, I forgot the camera in my other jacket. Next time. I promise. Take it to the...
31 January 2005Ouch
I came home from the casino early Sunday morning around 3:30am. My nose was clogged from the combination of cigarette and cigar smoke that hangs like a low fog on the gaming floor. I went into the bathroom to grab...
12 January 2005Shit Stirring
I like my life to move along smoothly. I like the car to start in the morning. I like to be on time. I like everything to work they way it should. And I sure as shit like the toilet...
08 January 2005You Can't Find the TV Remote
How did people survive before remote control? I can't be getting up from the couch everytime I want to change the program. Honestly, I can't believe how dependent I am on flipping through TV channels for entertainment. I don't know...
29 December 2004A Tsunami Blows Through Town
Natural disasters are part of life on earth. I've been through my fair share with all the earthquakes in California, but I've never encountered anything like the images that I've seen on TV the last few days. I've traveled through...
23 December 2004Ok, I Get It
Now I know where to go to find free online poker. I don't need 54 unsolcited comments on my blog anymore. Enough already....
14 December 2004Bad Shit in Salinas
John Steinbeck was born in Salinas. The massive center honoring his life sits in the small central California town. But the public library named after him along with the only 2 others in Salinas will be shutting it's doors as...
07 December 2004All Steamed Up
-->Until this weekend, I hadn't bought a new computer game in years. When I worked for Electronic Arts, I had every game every made at my fingertips. I think the only game I bought when I was working there was...
01 November 2004Some Jackass Hit a Power Pole and Fucked Up an Otherwise Beautiful Day
On Saturday I ventured out to Marine World, only one day before the park shuts down for the season. I got free tickets when I gave blood earlier in the month, so even though I don't ever want to go...
12 October 2004AB63 Business Tax Registration Project
I got a letter the other day from the City of Oakland which is still puzzling me despite numerous phone calls to state and city officials. The salutation is "Dear Business Owner (s)", which is weird, because I've never owned...
02 September 2004Subaru Secured
After one abortive attempt to replace the broken glass in the Subie (SafeLite Auto Glass called me yesterday as I was on the way to the appointment to let me know that they didn't have the glass in stock), my...
31 August 2004The Bastards Stole My Gym Bag
Today, I got in my car to go to the gym and as I drove down the street, there's was this odd crinkling sound coming from the back. I turned and looked quickly as I was driving, but didn't see...
14 July 2004Is Your Blog Getting Spammed?
It all started innocently enough. A comment here. A comment there. But more and more, I'm getting these absurd spam comments and always, for some reason, on ancient posts from my site. The latest, just a few minutes ago, is...
26 March 2004Oy! That Hurts
24 February 2004I'm Surrounded by Psychos II
Every once in while, ok , a few times a week, my housemate Roy, a 40+ year old South African, will come home shit-faced and start yelling all sorts of crazy stuff. His latest bit of fun is to burst...
09 February 2004I'm Surrounded by Psychos
So I'm standing in the back office at the Mountain Sharpshooters shop in Lionshead Village and I'm catching a bit of a conversation between Kurt, the manager, and Pepa, a cute, but very spoiled Argentinian girl, about proper attire for...
16 January 2004Your Credit Card is Denied
Never before in my life have I had credit card denied. Then it happened twice in Los Angeles. First time at Sportmart. Second time at Big 5. It was both embarassing and annoying. It wan annoying because I haven't even...
15 January 2004Computer Crash
It really sucks when you're just about to publish a post, the computer crashes and you haven't saved what you've written. I was writing a post about my visit to my sister's second grade class last week when the computer...