I'm a Complete Idiot Archives

29 May 2006I Nearly Sliced Off My Finger Last Night
Fucking cats! Long story short. Cutting a baguette. Fil jumps on the counter. Distracted, I slice right through the bread and into the meat of the middle finger of my left hand. Clamly, I stopped the bleeding (temporarily) and finished...
17 April 2005You Ruin Your Laundry
Since I had a good idea that Russell and I were going to be only people up at the house this weekend, I decided it was time to pick up all the clothes that have lined my bedroom floor or...
14 February 2005Short Term Memory Loss Followed by Panic
It's almost inevitable. Every time I drive up to Tahoe, somewhere in between Sacramento and Placerville, I start panicking because I think I've forgotten my toiletry kit (with my contacts). I try to remember putting the kit in my bag,...
06 January 2005More Tech Trouble
My comments are down again. This time I can't blame the spammers. I made a little adjustment to the site and I, like a the complete idiot that I am, I didn't test to see if it worked. I'll have...
02 November 2003No Battery For Andrew
Yesterday we took the subway over to Brooklyn to walk back over the Brooklyn Bridge. Great idea. It was a beautiful day. It was 74 degrees. There were tons of people out, strolling, jogging, riding bikes. The sun was a...
31 October 2003Never Chew on Foil
Ok, so I wasn't chewing on foil, but I was licking it and I managed to do something I've never done before in my 33 years. I cut my lip of the edge of the foil. And it fucking hurt...