Housing Situation Archives

15 November 2005The Ghetto Cottage
Here are some shots of the interior of the Ghetto Cottage right before I moved all my shit in and despoiled the place....
11 November 2005The Move
Ok. I've been putting this off long enough. I've been putting it off because I think it's going to be a long post and I haven't had much patience with writing lately, but it's time to get the story online...
01 November 2005Moving Day
Moving back to the mainland. Details to come....
11 February 2005A Check for Fil
I guess the going rate for accidentally encasing a cat in the walls is 100 bucks. I know this because Jess, the foreman of the contracting crew working on the plumping in my apartment building, came by this morning before...
31 January 2005Resolution to Your Concerns
Last week, before my kitten was sealed in the walls by either an unconscious, incompentent or malicious plumber, I filled out a survey on the website of the corporation that owns my apartment complex detailing the bullshit that I've had...
28 January 2005Coming Home is the Best Part of Your Day
This is the motto my apartment complex. It just seems weird that any apartment let alone my apartment has a motto, but there it is. It would be an acceptable motto, if they could, you know, live up to it....
22 December 2004Getting in Gear
Here is the pile of stuff that I took out of my storage shed. All of this stuff, including 26 12 gallon plastic crates, a stereo, a few milk crates, a dozen bags, a microwave, my HP printer, framed posters...
21 December 2004Moving Day (Part Three)
Third and final part of the move was going to be the trickiest. I had to move my queen size bed, one bookcase and a sectional sofa that Jennifer had bequeathed to me. I could have rented a truck, but...
20 December 2004Moving Day (Part Two)
The second part of the three (really four) part move was to get Jennifer's bed (full) from her parents house in Danville over to her apartment in Walnut Creek since I was going to be taking my bed (queen) to...
19 December 2004Moving Day (Part One)
Today was moving day, at least the first part of a multi-phased move that will (hopefully) return harmony to my divergent life by bringing together all my things in one place for the first time in over two years. The...
18 December 2004An Island Off the Coast of America
After six months of living with a friend, I finally have my own apartment. It's in Alameda, a little island maybe 100 feet off the coast of Oakland, but an island nonetheless. The apartment is far from perfect, but it's...
12 October 2004Apartment Hunting
How much is too much to pay for an apartment? It's a problem I've been struggling with for the last several weeks as I have looked around the Bay Area for a reasonably priced place to life. The average rate...
10 September 2004Apartment in the City
My sister Marni and her husband Paris just bought a house in Richmond (north of Berkeley for those of you not familiar with the Bay Area) and are going to vacate the 1 bedroom apartment near the Civic Center in...
21 August 2003Accommodation
From: "Lafi, Esera" To: "Andrew Hecht (E-mail)" <> Subject: Accommodation Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:19:29 -1100 Still not being able to get hold of Maiava (told early this morning that he was in a Management meeting) but did talk...
21 August 2003Going Nowhere
I talked to Maiava today at work and he said that he hasn't been able to get in touch with his "buddy" at Public Works. I don't think anything is ever going to happen. It's such a fucken mess. If...
22 January 2003Arachnophobia
Sure I got spiders. Mostly there are the daddy long legs variety that hang innocently in the corners of the bathroom. I tend to leave those guys alone since they hoover up the insects. It's the big, hairy freaky spiders...
19 December 2002Dog Bites Man
I was walking home tonight from dinner at Mina's. Mele had cooked some veggie stir fry with garlic and ginger that I had picked up for her at the new market. When I reached the top of the little where...