Health Archives

25 May 2007All Jacked Up
My feet are killing me. They have been since the first day in Bangkok where I walked all over the place with sandals that I hadn't worn in a long time. I didn't think there was a problem with them,...
03 February 2007Saving My Melon
I finally broke down and bought myself a skiing helmet. I'd been wanting to get one for a long time, at least since I got back into skiing in 2004, and I've tried on dozens of them. But each one...
04 January 2007Upchuck City
When I left LA on Tuesday morning, Alex was sick and felt like he had to throw up. I actually saw my dad's wife barfing the downstairs toilet. Not very pleasant. Mateo, my nephew, had been sick the previous week....
12 December 2006Insomnia Kills
I don't know what's going on. I can't sleep again. Same thing as two nights ago. I feel asleep earlier on the couch watching a Flash training video (if anything will put you to sleep..), but then when I went...
26 November 2006Freak of Nature (but in a good way)
My buddy Russell is down in the Bay Area this week. (check it out, Russ, another mention). As always, good to see him. It sucks when your friends move away and great when you get a chance to see them....
05 June 2006The Bet
I have a bet going with a colleague at work who weighs about 10 pounds less than me that when I come home from this trip, 4 weeks long, eating out all the time and not working out regularly, I...
25 May 2006I'm Weak
There's nothing like a Pilates class to expose just how weak you are. Just when you think you're getting into a decent shape try working on your core and you'll be hurting. This Pilates class that I've been trying to...
01 March 2006Lunchtime Yoga
Instead of going home and hanging with the cats, which is my usual lunchtime M.O., I went to the gym and took a mid-day yoga class. It was the first yoga class I've had in ages. My muscles are in...
14 February 2006The Best Valentine's Gift
Today is not just Valentine's Day. It's National Donor Day. So find a blood drive near your and give some of that extra blood you have lying around doing nothing in your body. Clearly you're not doing much with it...
28 November 2005Should Have Been Born in Iceland
You can't take this without a grain of salt because it comes from Durex, but the 2005 Global Sex Survey results are online. Here are some of the more interesting facts: More than 317,000 people from 41 countries took part...
15 June 2005That Workout Habit
I'm almost embarrassed by this, but I've just gone through a period for the first time in my life when I was paying for a gym membership and not using it. I used to laugh at people like that, and...
14 June 2005Donation Time
World Blood Donor Day is here. No excuses. I have an appointment in 16 minutes. Go find a donation center and give up a pint for the cause. Why should you donate? The need for blood is great--on any given...
08 June 2005Have A Heart: Give Blood
World Blood Donor Day is just around the corner, and while you shouldn't need an excuse to donate blood, here's a built in for you. Our blood banking system relies on volunteers like you to keep the supply of blood...
06 May 2005I Don't Get Sick
I don't get sick and it's a good thing too because I don't have any sick days. I'm heathy as an ox. Always have been. Always will be. Can't remember the last time I was sick. Sure, I've had some...
18 April 2005Have you ever sexual intercourse with someone of Eastern European descent who has had a blood transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa administered by someone who spent more than 3 months in the UK between October 14, 1977 and March 8, 1981?
Ok, so they don't really ask questions that specific when you donate blood, but they get pretty close and pretty damn personal. I understand the need to be thorough to ensure a safe blood supply. That I get. What I...
17 March 2005Benefit Trouble
Back in November, I wrote about the benefits my consulting company was offering. They were really expensive, at least for the top tier, but the basic coverage, including dental was reasonable, so I went ahead and signed up. The company...
15 March 2005Wrist Trouble
My wrist has been giving me fits lately. It's the start of what could be become a serious repetitive strain injury. So I called the occupational therapy office. They sent someone down to my cube to do an ergonomic evaluation....
09 March 2005No Wonder People Are So Fucking Fat
On the way up to Tahoe last Friday, I got a craving for a milkshake. I stopped first at KFC in Placerville, hadn't been there in years. They don't have shakes, it turns out. So on I went to McDonald's...
14 February 2005Painless Dentistry
I had my first real cavity filled today and it was a piece of cake, really. It actually took longer to deal with my benefits than it did to fill the cavity. It only takes about 5 minutes to walk...
20 January 2005Overheard on the Lift
Late in the afternoon on Sunday, I was going up single on Canyon Lift. The two guys to my right were talking about cholesterol drugs. Guy #1 was doing most of the talking. He was saying to Guy #2 that...
18 January 2005Dental Day Report
I know a lot of people freak out about it, but I've always been sort ambivalent about going to the dentist. I love to have my teeth cleaned and polished. It feels great. You don't realize how much crap builds...
17 January 2005Dental Day
I'm going to see the dentist today for the first time in over a year. I'm psyched, because I really want my teeth cleaned and have someone take a look at my wisdom teeth, which have been giving me some...
30 November 2004Benefits and Things
I've gotten a few letters recently from my consulting company asking me to sign up for the "benefits" that the company offers. Since I left the Peace Corps around this time last, I'm one of the 40 million of so...
14 October 2004Chiron, The Flu, The President & You
SCHIEFFER: New question, Mr. President, to you. We are talking about protecting ourselves from the unexpected, but the flu season is suddenly upon us. Flu kills thousands of people every year. Suddenly we find ourselves with a severe shortage of...
13 October 2004I Gave at the Office
I just got back from giving blood here at the Chiron Blood Drive. It felt good to do it. It's been a long time. I haven't been able to donate since 9/11 because of all the traveling I've done. I...
02 March 2004Slave to Ibuprofen
Almost everyday (including today) when I come home from a hard day of skiing, I have to suck down two Ibuprofen to ease the pain in my knees. Either I'm doing something wrong (I don't think so) or I'm just...
17 May 2003Bit by Another Dog
Today, I was on my way to work, taking a different route that usual near the house of Malietoa, the Head of State, when I felt a searing pain in my right foot. I looked and there was some mutt...
16 May 2003Bit by Another Dog
Today, I was on my way to work, taking a different route that usual near the house of Malietoa, the Head of State, when I felt a searing pain in my right foot. I looked and there was some mutt...
05 May 2003SARS Update
Update from the Peace Corps Office of Medical Services, Washington D.C. SARS is caused by a mutated virus related to the corona virus (the corona viruses cause the common cold). The virus originated from animals. Statistics From May 1, 2003,...
02 May 2003All Jacked Up
My body is betraying me at the moment. Here's a rundown: --The last two fingers on my right hand are still numb. Dr. Atherton says it's nerve damage and nothing to worry about. I should get feeling back soon. --I...
02 May 2003Don't Speed You Idiot
I was walking down to Ah Liki Wholesale on Vaea Street. It was a hot day, but I was enjoying the walk through town. I thought this would be good time to go down to Pasi's Three Corner and take...
29 April 2003Fingers numb
Two days after returning from the bike trip around Savai'i, the fingers on my right hand are still numb. I'm not sure what the deal is here. I did put a lot of pressure on them during the ride, leaning...
12 April 2003Tachycardia Strikes Again
I had my fifth episode of Sinus Tachycardia on Saturday. ST is when your heart starts racing (the sinus node fires too rapidly see "read more" for more info). This time it was Saturday afternoon and I was eating a...
10 April 2003Mafaufau Maloloina
I paid a visit to Mental Health Symposium today at the Kitano Tusitala Hotel to check out the lecture on suicide in Samoa. Some of the information was pretty alarming. I took copious notes and will write up something later....
04 April 2003Fungal Thing
There's this fungal thing going on in my crotch. I don't know what it is, but it's driving me nuts, so to speak. I'm just constantly itching and no amount of anti-bacterial soap seems to do the trick. Time to...
28 February 2003ECG
I had an ECG today at the Manuia Soifua Clinic with Dr. Atherton to check on my Sinus Tachycardia problem -- that's the racing heart beat. Dr. Atherton strapped me with electrode like suction cups all over my body. These...
19 December 2002Dog Bites Man
I was walking home tonight from dinner at Mina's. Mele had cooked some veggie stir fry with garlic and ginger that I had picked up for her at the new market. When I reached the top of the little where...