Character Actors Archives

28 April 2005The More You Look, The Less You Really Know
Tony Shalhoub has a leading role in the USA series Monk about an obsessive-compulsive private eye, but to me he will always be a character actor, and a great one. Shaloub is so versatile that fans who love his work...
12 January 2004Giancarlo Esposito
Today I was flipping around the channels during a break in the football action and I came across Taps playing on WGN. Taps is one of those of movies that I'm almost always compelled to watch when I see it...
08 January 2004Remember Sammy Jankis?
Chances are you don't know his name, but I bet you recognize the face. I was going to hold off on Steven Tobolowsky for a while, but seeing as how he made a guest appearance on West Wing last...
06 January 2004James Rebhorn
You know these guys by sight, but you rarely know their names, unless you watch movies again and again, like me. They are character actors. Ther came from Broadway or the Soaps. They are not big stars. They don't get...