Art Archives

14 May 2006There are Crocs in New York
This is part of an installation by Chinese artist on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Guess where the knives are from?...
01 June 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day Two)
I finally put the images from the Pageant finals online. You can find them here. Personally, I think, because there are so many shots, over 800, it's best to view the slideshow. Just click on the slideshow link, set the...
29 May 2005Belly Dancer of the Year 2005 (Day One)
While most Americans are traveling, camping, having backyard barbeques and drinking themselves into a three day slumber on Memorial Day Weekend, a small but enthusiastic group of belly dancers have been meeting in Northern California for the past 32 years...
11 February 2005Absolut Filemu
02 November 2004Election Day, November, 1884
IF I should need to name, O Western World, your powerfulest scene and show, 'Twould not be you, Niagara - nor you, ye limitless prairies - nor your huge rifts of canyons, Colorado, Nor you, Yosemite - nor Yellowstone,...
02 November 2004The Poor Voter on Election Day
To-day, of all the weary year, A king of men am I. To-day, alike are great and small, The nameless and the known; My palace is the people's hall, The ballot-box my throne! The rich is level with the poor,...
29 September 2004Before I Forget...
Last night, as I was driving to the gym, I was listening to Billy Collins, America's former Poet Laureate, on City Arts & Lectures reading and talking about his poems. The genius of Collins is that he takes every day...
02 November 2003Ed Heck
Tonight I was walking south down Columbus Avenue on the Upper West Side. I came across a gallery showing the work of Ed Heck, including this adorable little pup entitled "City Dog". I love the bold colors and the whimsical...