Apia Harbor Archives

01 October 2003Floating Classroom
"Imagine a semester of school where you sail around the world...and earn credits!" Sounds good to me. Where do I sign up? I was driving past the harbor this afternoon on the way to meet some friends for lunch...
14 August 2003Full up
The harbor is chok full of sailboats at the moment. There's more than 20 now with more arriving every day. It is amazing to see. It sort of happens in slow motion, or maybe time lapse, since the harbor...
02 July 2003French Warship in Port
Another warship on the way back from service in the gulf has hit up Samoa for a little R&R. Can't really blame them, can you? Unlike the other recently arrived frigate from Canada, this boat, the F730 Floreal has...
01 July 2003Kyowa Hibiscus Pulls into Apia Harbor
Because there are so many repeat visits from freighters making a circuit of the the Pacific, it's nice for me when a ship I've never seen before arrives in the harbor. Kyowa Hibiscus, part of the Greater Bali Hai...
27 June 2003On a Painted Ocean
While I was waiting for my boss to return from a meeting, I went out to the seawall to check out the harbor and get some wind on my face. Out in the distance, along the horizon I could...
18 June 2003MV Polynesia
there's a huge green freighter in port today that I've never seen before called the MV Polynesia out of Hamburg, Germany. I find all the details about the boat from freighterworld.com: Tom Wörden has introduced the vessel the MV Polynesia...
16 June 2003Royal Canadian Navy?
There's a warship in port today. It's the Canadian "multi-role patrol" frigate, HMCS Regina on route back to Canada from the service in the Gulf. The ship is something like 134 meters long, weighing more than 4000 tons and with...
22 May 2003Mikom Accord
Today I was riding my bike down the hill from Moto'otua and I could see a masseive tanker pulling into Apia Harbor. We get some tankers in, like the Iver Explorer from the Marshall Islands and the Bro Arthur from...
13 May 2003Beverly the Yachtie
This morning I was walking back from MD's Big Fresh, one of the better supermarkets in Samoa and I met one of the Yachties, a woman named Beverly from Vancouver. Anyway, she was walking along the seawall whistling to get...
06 May 2003Pacific Princess
The Pacific Princess pulled into Apia Harbor yesterday. Because the boats arrive in the middle of the night or really early in the morning. I've never actually seen a cruise ship arrive. There are just there. One day, I look...
03 May 2003First Yacht
Winter is around the corner, the weather is starting to improve and the yachties are coming into town. The first yacht of the season pulled into Apia Harbor today. The return of the yachts is like the swallows returning to...
17 April 2003Tahitian Princess
The gigantic cruise ship Tahitian Princess has called into Apia Harbor this morning. It's always amazing to see gleaming white ships bigger than the biggest building in Samoa sitting at dock in the harbor. The boat disgorged hundreds of Palagi...
28 March 200336 Hours to Paradise?
The boat from Tokelau is back in the harbor. It comes around every few weeks or so. It makes supply trips from Samoa to Tokelau bringing along the occasional tourist willing to suffer the 36 journey in less than forgiving...
13 March 2003Crystal Symphony
There's another new cruise ship in town today: Crystal Symphony. The thing is massive. It looks so out of place in the liliputian Apia Harbor. Kris and I walked into the port past the disinterested workers to the dock where...
03 March 2003Peace Boat in Harbor
Peace Boat makes one-day call by Gerard P Williams 02 March 2003 The arrival of Russian tourist ship, Peace Boat, in Apia Harbour yesterday saw the town crawling with Japanese tourists. This is the second cruise liner to visit Apia...